Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Yuzkania - Traveller


Lord of Altera

There's always time for a new beginning. . .

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Character name: Yuzkania
Other Names: Currently none.
Age: Twenty three.
Hair color: Ashen/blonde.
Eye color: A shade of grey sky.
While taking on a peculiar look, of radiant pale skin with a slight tan, and grey sky over a shady ocean. Her pale blonde hair draped down, messed, and bun up behind.

Fashioning a gambeson striped with a faded red and brown color, hands dressed with leather gloves and braced from the wrist with cloth. Thicken linen and cotton shoulders yet not bulky. A belt fitted to fasten the gambeson to her waist while underneath a faded grey shirt can be found on her with leather pants and brown hiking boots.

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Titles: Merchant
Race: Human
Gender: Female ♀
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Current Residence:
Relationship Status: None
Social Status: Well given Merchant

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Height: 5'9"
Weight: 143lb
Skin Color: White; slightly tanned
Shape of Face: Vertical oval
Distinguishing Features: None
Build of Body: Defined, moderate
Hair Color: Blonde
Complexion: - -
Posture: Well mained
Is Seen By Others As: - -
Scars: - -
Voice: - -

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Hunting: Fowler: Forester: Falconer
Objectives being failed.
No success in life.
Yuzkania bares a minimal will to keep forward, to justify or injust, yet takes on what she can while
working through life to afford a living of food, shelter, and warmth. To continue with such a way she dire no extra fee but the salvation of her own.

Ambitions; are her will to go forward.
Intelligence; to think above those she encounters that deem foe.
The unknown.
Faith towards the pantheon.
Morals towards others and self.
Kindness and up most respect.
Education: Yuzkania's education consists on the over-all years learned from parents and travels over the
continent. Her persistence in maintaining the education preserving it while using it.

Languages: Common.
General Attitude: Unless provoked, can be very well neutral.
Religious Inclination: Ignis - The Grey Lady.
General Intelligence: Moderate.
General Sociability: Easy to come by.
Alignment: Lawful Evil.

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Wardrobe: Gambeson: Leather pants: Hiking boots.
Jewelry: Silver ring w/ encrusted ruby.

Pets/Animals: None.

Owned Homes: None.

Carried Inventory:

• Leather carry on ( Large ).
• Leather sword belt ( Brown ).
• Jar of white nettle cream.
• Gauze ( Roll of white wrappings ).
• Packet ( leather ) withholding needles in arranged sizes.
• Boot knife ( Dirk ).
• Leather bound book of paper ( Small ).
• String.
• Pencil ( Charcoal ).
• Ink bottle ( With ink, plugged ).

General Inventory:
• Gambeson ( Worn ).

• Short sword ( On belt ).
• Yew Longbow ( Stave + corded string ).

General Wealth: 50,00$

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( Hey guys, hope to get back into RP - hopefully stay around a while with interest! )
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Lord of Altera

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Romantic Towards:







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Lord of Altera
[ ! ] Update
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Religious alignment.


Lord of Altera
[ ! ] Update
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Profile Picture.
Skin update.
Current update of happenings to her: Lonesome wandering.