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WorldGuard Infodump


Lord of Altera
NEW - Animals can now be killed in the wild, however, they cannot be tamed. (Horses/mules/donkey's can be tamed.)

Convenient region flags

Set with /region flag [region] [flag] allow/deny/none (for none, just use /region flag [region] [flag] and leave the last bit empty, it'll change to default)

These aren't all the flags, just the ones that are commonly used/useful on the server, for quick reference, all flags are green.

You can use these colours in greetings and farewells, make sure to put & before the colour number or letter.
Example: /region flag Crossroads &5The usual noise of the markets remains quiet today due to the insistent Alteran storms.

Greeting - Set the greeting, players will be able to see this when they teleport into the region, unfortunately worldguard doesn't seem to accept them walking into the region anymore.

Farewell - Sets the farewell for the region, players will see this message when they teleport out of the region. Sadly players will not see this msg as they walk out of the region.

Build - Setting this flag wrong would allow outsiders to build/break and access chests in your region, so be careful! This flag should only be used to fix broken tree spawning and broken redstone.
Recommended use: /region flag [region] build -g members allow

PVP - Self explanatory

Damage-animals - The ability to harm animals inside your region. If you're an animal loving hippy, you'd like to set this to deny. This is set to allow on default.

Snow-fall - When set to deny stops snow from falling and soaking the living room you're building.

Snow-melt - When set to deny, you can keep that snow on your living room floor as a carpet, and mockingly set torches or lava nearby to hurt anyone's brains who see it. (I don't know if it prevents lava or close range torches from destroying snow, but this is my guess based on the flag name)

Ice-form - When set to deny it will stop your water turning to ice.

Ice-melt - When set to deny it will keep the ice frozen, much like the lore for ender pearls.

Leaf-decay - Deny will prevent leaves from breaking after any oak is removed. This is good for towns that want to troll people or create massive amounts of leaves on branches without worry of them disappearing.

Grass-growth - Prevents dirt being turned to grass, not like the Lady Luck, that's the Gods doing that-

Vine-growth - Will stop vines from growing THIS IS USEFUL YES.

That's all I can find for now, you can check your flags by using /region info [region], make sure not to go excessive with it~ Feel free to ask any questions and if you need links or more commands then just ask and I'll add em to a second post :D

Chest-access was set to deny for outsiders in a lot of regions, you can set this to default now, they will still be protected.
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Lord of Altera
Second post just in case

Edit: Some flags might be unusable, if this is the case then let me know and I'll go fix it :D, also sorry for any spelling errors or misplaced words, if you let me know of any errors, I can fix them as soon as possible!