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[Winter Village] Moonlight

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Lord of Altera

Moonlight is a small village in the winter biome and a territory of the house of August. Currently at the stage of foundation Moonlight gives you the possibility to build your house yourself as long as you stay in line with the village theme (help will be provided if needed; be fast though or I have to build it myself ;)).
As a neutral territory everyone can live here as long as they keep their war outside of the town.

Travel Moonlight/Frostguard:

Take the Ship from Port Silver to Heaven's Reach. Afterwards go Straight ahead until you see a sign leading you to the Deadalus, a smaller Spruce wood ship with pure white sails.
You are now at Moonlight's docks from where you can also see Frostguard

Mayor: DraconDarknight

Assistants: - currently none

  • Innkeeper ~ Thrash (ThRaShBaNdAk00T )
  • Farmer ~ Connor Frostpyke (Herr_Noldus), Rudolf Van Nistelroy (carbonboy)
  • Blacksmith
  • Alchemist ~ Zoren Halfdawn (minerman375)
  • Fisher
  • Sheriff ~ EvilOverlord98
Building Materials(exterior)**:Cobblestone, Stone Brick, Wood & Planks

Building Materials(interior):Free choice

Building Style: Riverwood Skyrim (Imperial Touch Nord)

Buildings:Price depends on the planned building size (floors and so on)
Every house comes with 1 free underground floor. as long as it stays within the buildings boarders

Activity:if you are inactive for at least 3 Weeks you will be removed from the region, your valuables will be sold to expend the city.

The commandments of Moonlight

1st Thou shalt not fell the trees without MY permission

2nd Thou shalt not have underground farms

3rd Thou shalt not have illegal mines

4th Thou shalt not expand beyond the borders given, without permission

5th Thou shalt always pay thy taxes (Obsolete)

6th Thou shalt not use TNT within the city

8th Thou shalt not steal from thine neighbors

9th Thou shalt not use alien building materials

10th Thou shalt not grief

11th Thou shalt not sell thy home to strangers ****

12th Thou shalt private thy chests

13rd Thou art aware that random inspections (especially regarding 2nd and 3rd) will take place

(14th) rebus sic stantibus


- Innkeeper (Inn already built) ~ ThRaShBaNdAk00T

It is the Innkeeper's duty to track the amount of time people reside in the Inn while
gathering money for a proper house.
The Inn is basically a temporary living place village until ppl have gathered enough
money to buy a house.
You may also sell cooked food here. (And as soon as we get them drinks ;) )

- Farmer
The supplier of Raw Meat, Wool, and Wheat/Bread

- Fisher Open
Supplier of raw fish

- Alchemist
Allowed to grow a small amount of nether warts in his basement.
The Castle MIGHT also give out supply contracts.

- Blacksmith open
Makes enchanted and Unenhanced Armor. The castle and its soldiers will buy their
supplies here if needed. We won't pay the same price as other ppl but the prices will still be still pretty fair.
prices for trade with the castle are of course negotiatable to a certain degree.

- Sheriff
You are of course free to set up chest shops in your homes or(ig bought) at the market stalls I'd prefer RP sales over that though ;).

Buildin Overview
August Wares - branch
~ 90%
Fisher Hut
Sheriff house

The following is not a must but a request:
Don't overprice when trading with others in the village. this way the village you have a pretty certain income rate from your job.

Application form:

MC User name:

RP Name:


(optional) Name the noble house you are in:

Do you agree to the town rules as stated above?



Lord of Altera
Addition - Rules and Stuff 2012/11/11

When not having enough money to buy a proper house you will be assigned a free room in the INN, where you can stay for 3 weeks. In this time you have plenty of opportunities to gather enough money . The INN also provides you with ONE Enderchest which belongs to the town. You are free to use it as long as you stay inside the inn though. The interior of this room is not to be changed therefore no building there.
The room will be private for you by either me or an assistant. After 3 Weeks you have to leave the room, either way.

-If you leave the town we will buy the house back from you for half the purchase price. They are thus not transferable between player. (Note: You need to live in the town for at least 2 Weeks, or you won't be refunded at all)

- Do not make changes to the exterior of your house. The Builder's Guild have put a lot of time and effort in making the city look the way it does. If you want to change something, ask for permission first. The Inn is also not to be changed without permission (except the Innkeepers living space)
- Every house shall have 1 underground(basement) floor. if you feel like you need more ask for permission. It is forbidden to have mines in there or underground farms (as stated above)
-No basements outside your house's walls.
- If a home is not used for over 3 weeks. valuables will be put up for auction and the money will flow into village development. The building Materials will be moved to the village storage.
- If the town sheriff wants to check your house - let him in ;)
- If you got evicted(removed) for breaking rules you will neither get your money back nor the things in your chests. This rule should make griefing VERY Unattractive...
I hope you understand how I refuse to pay someone who got thrown out for breaking the rules ;)


Lord of Altera
MC User name: minerman375

RP Name: Zoren Halfdawn

Job: Blacksmith

(optional) Name the noble house you are in: None

Do you agree to the town rules as stated above? I do


Lord of Altera
Application form:
MC User name: ThRaShBaNdAk00T

RP Name: Thrash

Job: InnKeeper or anything u want really

(optional) Name the noble house you are in: None

Do you agree to the town rules as stated above?
NOT AT ALL! Haha jk of course I do theyre fair!


Lord of Altera
If ryan is farmer, would he farm cows? If so, would he be able to supply leather to me?


Lord of Altera
As said above:
Its set self sufficient If you give fair prices to youzr neighbours they will give fair prices too you too :D
And yes he will be able to have animal pens too.
If something is not available for villagers by other means and important, August wares will probably supply it in the future.


MC User name: Night_Wolfex

RP Name: Svaskos Yyg

Job: Sherriff would be good although I don't know exactly what it entails.

Do you agree to the town rules stated above? Of course.


Lord of Altera
I think the sherrif would help enforce the laws and may do random checks and inspections of houses :)


Lord of Altera
You will mainly do the inspections, so its pretty much an RP job - resulting in lower house price since you actually take a lot of work of my backside.
I privated a room for you in Moonlight's INN for now. Feel free to use the chest in there as you please.
There should be no need to private the chest as it is set as a chestbank.
I will probably RP introduce you to the city as soon as possible and set the region perms then. Feel free to stay in the inn in the meantime.

Thus Application accepted ;)


I think I might like it here

RP NAME: Jeriko

JOB: sheriff if available, if not I would like to be a lumberjack, if not fisherman



I think I might like it here
JOB: I just had an appiffany, can I be the village mage and build my mage tower ontop of the big mountain behind the farmers hut


Lord of Altera
I can let you be a forester - meaning you need to PLANT the trees you want to fell yourself, as for the trees already there see rule 1


Lord of Altera
A small, yet non discussable anti griefing - rule update, to have the same rules over all August Territories.

it can be seen above with an addition.

Not voicing objections does mean accepting them by default - the adition will take place within the next few hours and is meant to protect the city from griefers.


Lord of Altera
Night_Wolfex, please send me a message ingame or via the forums, otherwise I have to go to the next applicant for the job :/


Application form:
MC User name: XxNightLeafxX
RP Name: Cresent
Job: Innkeeper (With Thrash)
Do you agree to the town rules as stated above? Yes


Lord of Altera
MC User name: uncrazygirl

RP Name: Jacelyn Myrtle

Job: Farmgirl (ryanmelvin's helper)

(optional) Name the noble house you are in: None

Do you agree to the town rules as stated above? Yes very fair
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