Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Wedding Of Gromm and Raisa



I think everything's sorted out guys...
And the title 'best man' is sort of taking power over others, when I don't want that in a wedding. But if I were to choose a Best Man, sorry Jeroxia, I'd ask Lemarc.

Hey, just being honest.

For the simple reason, Lemarc's been asked before by Gromm to be best man when Eala and Gromm was to be married....but....with so much chaos, we never got around to it.
Lets hope there's no chaos after/during this wedding.


Quite an amazing wedding it was!

King of Earthspawn's as the priest, that made it fun!
Thanks to everyone who went :heart:

If you want screenshots, I can send a folder via skype!
Add me - wakerman4 - if you want! :heart: