Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Ward Skovgaard


Lord of Altera

(Artist's deviantart)
"The Lord forgives everything, but I'm just a prophet… so I don't have to. Amen."
Name: Ward Roger Skovgaard
Titles: "I prefer to be untainted by tacked on compliments."
Age: 38
Race: As Human as it gets - from the North.
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Rahas-sexual.
Social Status: Bottom portion of middle class.
Profession: Bailiff.

"I will be as harsh as truth, and uncompromising as justice... I am in earnest, I will not equivocate, I will not excuse, I will not retreat a single inch, and I will be heard."

Physical Appearance:

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 178 lbs.
Eye Color: Dark blue.
Shape of Face: Trapezoid/Square.
Distinguishing Features: A light scar crossing his face under the right eye.
Build of Body: Strong, but not toned. He eats quite a bit, and isn't bothered with aesthetics.
Hair Color: Dark brown.
Hair Style: Shown above.
Posture: Quite good, actually. Rarely found slouching, usually in a rigid stance.
Voice: Alec Baldwin

The set of armor he would wear for actual war. He is not a knight, so he has armor someone more common would have.

(Artist's deviantart)​

"If you lose a big fight, it will worry you all of your life. It will plague you - until you get your revenge."

Can be described simply as Machiavellian.

Likes: Fighting, training, reading, frowning, drinking.
Dislikes: Pirates, thieves, outlaws, skullduggery, perceived injustice.
Strengths: Loyal, compassionate, strong willed, strategic, manipulative.
Weaknesses: Strong willed, aggressive, over zealous, independent, possible crazy man.
Fears: "Fear is the mind-killer. Wrap your hands around fear. And silence it."
Values: Camaraderie, friendship, justice, equal opportunity.
Education: Generally on the low end of things scholastically.
Languages: Common.
General Attitude: Generally at a 6/10 on the "How pleasant are you" scale.
Religious Inclination: Rahas.
General Intelligence: |------------------| This much.
General Sociability:|---------| This much.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.


"A free life cannot acquire many possessions, because this is not easy to do without servility to mobs or monarchs."

This is his common outfit, minus the head.
Wardrobe: Ward is prone to wearing inconspicuous clothing so that he doesn't stand out. His boots are common dark brown leather that reach partway up his calves. Trousers are a dark, slightly muddy green held up with a brown belt and silver buckle. Hanging near the belt line is a simple gray tunic that laces together near the collar and goes about halfway down his forearms. At his side is a simple bastard sword in a brown sheath, as shown below. Also carries a simple dagger near a satchel that keeps his journal, some field dressings, and writing equipment.
Jewelry: Wears a silver ring on his left hand.

"You hit ’em and they get back up. I hit ’em and they stay down. I think you’re a half-measure."
Peaceful or violent: Solves most problems peacefully, but has no hesitation to change that to violence.
Weaponry: Has formed a mutually beneficial relationship with his bastard sword.
Combat Training: Former mercenary, not formally trained by knights.


Find out on your own!
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Lord of Altera

Sweat and heat. Bodies pressed against the boy as he frantically moved through the crowd, his breathing labored and anxious. "Must I do this? Yes. No other way." His mind quarreled with itself as the boy's eyes flicked around him- searching. A familiar face passes the boy and greets him, though it would receive no response. "Maroon hat, silver belt buckle." The market street was full of those who might meet similar descriptions. Traders, foreign men and women, nobles, peasants, and beggars. A hand shoots from the crowd and attaches to the boy's leg, belonging to a beggar with one eye missing. "Some help, child? You know not of all my pain." Jerking away his leg, the boy skitters off further down the street, eyes widening. "There." The man stood off to the side of the side, conversing with the hooded shape of a woman. A hand reaches up to adjust his maroon cap, and he would sneer to the woman, raising the other hand to her swiftly but stopping it just before her cheek. Recoiling slightly, the woman trembles with her arms at her sides. "If you slip up with the next client, the last thing you'll be worried about is your payment." Sneering, he leans in towards her ear, his hot breath glancing off her neck. "I know you've a son, Cassandra." Laughing softly to himself, he steps back to observe the woman before speaking again. "Now go."

"Don't lose him." Putting on an immature smile, the boy skips over to the pair and bumps into the man with a slight grunt. "M'apologies, sir, didn't see y'there!" A hand grips the hilt of a dagger tightly under a cloak as the man looks down with a chuckle- "Think before acting like that, child." The blade rasps almost silently as it slips from its sheath and into the man's gut. A gasp emanates from the man's throat as his hand shifts to grab the boy's throat in turn, but the boy wraps both hands around the hilt and pulls with all his might to rend the man's stomach apart. Warm and sticky blood flow out of the gash and onto the boy's hands, which tremble now tremble violently. The woman inhales sharply as her hands fly to her mouth, as it simply hinges open and closed, too shocked to speak. Blood pumps from the wounded man, but not as fast as it does in the boy's heart. "Is this worth it?" His wild eyes dart to Cassandra, and her own look changes from horror to recognition. "W..w-ard, y-you can't.." Her voice lilts as she speaks, her eyes now glassy accompanied by a furrowed brow. Ward looks at his mother, his face now full of fear. He simply lets go of the dagger, shrugs his cloak quickly around his bloodied hands and runs off into the crowd with a few tears running down his face. The man in the alley crumples to the ground, a gargling sound emanating from his throat as his life slips away.
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