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[Vyre] Hellmann Kegheart


He/Him, They/Them

Divider Skraag Visage.png

"A dwarf can never dig too deep"

Type: Noble
Bloodline: Azarin
Sired by: Loriss Sularia
Rank: Consumed
Progeny: Anwar Attia, Malark Tallstag, Dayton Errah, Aelnic Brynn, Freia Flortel, Valerie Gerhard, Rachel Aestrith

Sire Rankup : 0 0 0

[05/19/2021] Turned, Sired under Loriss
[05/19/2021] Fed on Lana Wake
[05/19/2021] ACOLYTE OF UNDEATH is cast on her by Branko, Hellmann no longer needs to feed.
[06/01/2021] Anwar Attia is Sired by Hellmann +1 Rankup points
[07/06/2021] Hellmann revives after being staked
[07/07/2021] ACOLYTE OF UNDEATH is cast on her by Karn, Hellmann no longer needs to feed.
[07/08/2021] Turned, Sired under Loriss in a make out sesh
[07/08/2021] Fed on Eliss turning Enthralled
[07/12/2021] Hellmann was fed on Loriss, putting her back where she belongs at Fledgling
[07/31/2021] Fed on Loriss to consume a rank, bringing her to Enthralled
[07/31/2021] Used ENTHRALL on Dayton, turning him to her line, earning chain of 3.
[08/01/2021] Used ENTHRALL on Malark, turning him to her line
[08/03/2021] Used ENTHRALL on Anwar, turning him to her line
[10/26/2021] Cast Acolyte of Undeath apon herself after feeding on flasked blood.
[11/15/2021] Hell allowed Dayton to feed on her for power, giving him a rank as she moved down to enthralled.
[1/16/2022] Freia is Sired by Hellmann +1 Rankup points
[1/27/2022] Dayton allowed Hell to feed back for her power, bringing her once more to consumed
[3/18/2022] Rae is sired by Hellmann +1 Rankup points
[4/14/2022] Storm is sired by Hellmann +1 Rankup points, Reaching Consumed
[5/7/2022] Freia feeds upon Hellmann, stealing a rank as Hellmann moves back down to Enthralled.
[5/7/2022] Ezmith is fed on to replenish the lost blood from Freia feeding on her.
[12/11/2022] Ophelia is fed upon, Hellmann is now consumed.
[12/11/2022] Ophelia is cured by Hellmann.​


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Lord of Altera
Nuvan's gonna get a coronary when he finds out, I just hope Hellmann is a nice Vyre and won't hold it over him. Definitely seems like something she would exploit to blackmail his poor brother.