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[Visage] Woven


Lord of Altera

"Always spinning a new name. A new history"

=+{Minecraft Name: Sussurous}+=
=+{Character Alias: Woven}+=


(Tier Two)

==Spell Points==
(Five per day)
Currently: 3/5

<Warp's String>

A woven strip of fabric, measuring 3 fingers wide and 6 meters in length
The artifact's hue and texture are indeterminate, able to camouflage with it's surroundings; Though it must keep the same dimensions and remain a woven strip of fabric.
It can only change camouflage when nobody(other than the attuned) is actively looking at it, and the attuned will instinctively recognize this artifact regardless of this effect.
If damaged or severed, the fabric stitches together and can 'regrow' lost lengths of thread, if needed. It essentially repairs itself, taking about an hour per meter, once out of demanding situations. (Can't be fixed in the middle of an event/fight)
It may be animated with a full prehensility at any time, reaching up to a maximum of six blocks away. It is capable of manipulating objects with the force the attuned could exert with one hand, though due to only having a single 'digit' fine manipulation is tedious and occasionally impossible. For the duration this is active, one of the attuned's arms/hand becomes limp and unresponsive The attuned must maintain contact with some part of the artifact to use this ability.

==Passive(s) or Sustained Effects==
<x>Mantle of the Moon: Cultists are able to see perfectly no matter the light conditions.

The blessed finds that their voice is hard to recognise outside of those closest, and that their memory improves. Their emotions and surface thoughts are harder to read, as if they are simply emotionally dull and think of something mundane most of the time. They have an easier time at sea, with better balance and less seasickness.

==Divine Log==

[Tier 0 to Tier 1]
Overview: +3 Events, +4 Dedications, +2 Shrines

{Events 0 -> 3}

Self-hosted Event. Co-DM's by myself. Violent to others.
Kidnapped Nerissa and left a total of eight riddles in eight different cities to lead the rescuers to her location, should they fail she would not have survived;
Was a collaborative effort, but the riddles was all Fox.

Self-hosted Event.
A semi-private sermon about Visage tenets held in the black market. Nothing less, Nothing more.

<The Summit>
Self-hosted Event with help of a neutral DM. Violent to others.
A trap pretending to be a request for escort; Although the premeditated avalanche ended up being a misfire,
The point stands of deception and attempted murder in the name of Visage(and revenge)

{Dedications 0 -> 4}

<False Ritual>
Wrote a book posing as one ritual, when it's really one for Visage. Hoping to trick someone into it
<R.A.D Exam>
Proved her knowledge by testing herself on a frostwarts exam; Scoring a 14 out of 15.
<Solving Codes x2>
Solved the anagram cipher used in the 'Dream Literature' book in Frostwarts
Solved the monoalphabetic substitution cipher 'Coded Message' left in the Compendium

<Curio's Contact>
A riddle which leads to a dead-drop several(about five) people have solved and used to contact her.

{Shrines 0 -> 2}
The shrine hidden as part of Curio's Contact; Locked behind riddle and password.
A shrine hidden in Storm's Landing

[Tier 1 to Tier 2 - In Progress]
Overview: +4(?) Events, +6 Dedications, +3 Shrines, +18 Offerings

{Events 3 -> 7}

<Ciphers and You>
Self-hosted Event.
Taught ciphers at frostwarts, including:
Monoalphabetic and Polyalphabetic Substitution ciphers; Anagram and Columnar Transposition ciphers; Alternative methods of communication(tapcode, cants/conlangs)

<A New Moon's Embrace>
Self-hosted Event.
A visage ritual that sought to induct several new members to follow Fox; At the very least she got to do some ritual stuff and prostetylize

<Arc of Destiny> and <End of the Line>
DM'd by Bartoliinii. A competitive series of events to see who could solve the clues to find Melzar the fastest.
A series of 3 'mini' events that required venturing around(marshlands, desert), solving puzzles(riddles, ciphers, comparing books against eachother)
and finally ended in breaking into Melzar's tomb, bypassing his traps, and digging him out.
Sadly Fox died at the final stretch, but she remained solidly in the lead for this event-chain with her group, and had a part in solving every puzzle along the way.
I'll count this as two events, a lot of small dm's/unposted events leading up to one final big event.

{Dedications 4 -> 10}

<A Forbidden Word>
Hid various mortan around Astrum, pinned on mirrors. Simple cipher of reversed text.
<A series of codes>
A more public release. Since these are still public I won't release what ciphers I used, but there was some much nastier complicated polyalphabetic ones in there.
<Arachian Traps>
She continually rearms/creates traps in Nid Arach, rearming more than a dozen and setting up about half of that of her own.
This has since someone stopped after Bart has left.

<A Promise of Power>
Successfully solved a riddle going around in rumour, netting herself two neat artifacts. (Which have since been traded for favours)
<Lots and Lots of Books>
A work in progress, after successful trading with Astrakhan, Veraci, and Frostwarts; Woven has accumulated ~600 books for her personal collection.
Which she is still currently(Read, me OOCly) sorting and curating, but she does plan to read each and every one.
Coords are: -2590, 106, -4862 if you want to check yourself.

<Shrines of Another>
She has found a total of 12 visage shrines built by others,
7 in storm's landing, 5 of them hidden. One has been destroyed and can not be rebuilt.
2 in Halbed, both hidden.
1 in Nid Arach, semi-hidden.
1 in Veraci, hidden.
1 in Astrum, hidden.

<Vows of Another>
Has gotten two others to sign a vow to visage in her own name.
I'll keep them secret for OOC reasons, but feel free to confirm with me in private if need be.

{Shrines 2 -> 5}
A hidden shrine in Verdant Valley; It requires a small scavenger hunt/riddle to find the password.
A hidden shrine in Astrum, the puzzle portion of it is still a work-in-progress.
A hidden shrine in Astrakhan.

{Offerings 0 -> 19)
She trades for the personal possesions of others. Her exact words being a "symbolic representation or physical manifestation of yourself."
Something that represents the individual in a meaningful way, either by way of blood, motifs, or personal connection to the object.

Antone Rosenthal's Ring -- Won in a bet
Branko's Knife -- Won in a bet
Melzar's Meat-Cleaver -- Scavenged from the Butchery in Halbed
Sophie Velour's Ring -- Exchanged for information
Sophie Velour's Hair -- Exchanged for information about the upcoming siege on Astrum
Ragnar Vinland's Eyeball -- Taken from his dead body, after his failed assassination.
Thryss's Wolf Totem -- Exchanged for a future favour
Archon's Feather -- Plucked from the ground
Rae Astrid's Hair -- Exchanged for information about spirit-blessed
Svetlana's Lute String --Exchanged for information about Mortan
Uku's Blood -- Exchanged for information about the pantheon
Connor Hayden's Notebook Page --- Exchanged for information about the pantheon
Maebh's Dagger -- Exchanged for a favour to steal someone's hair
Anfrid's Silver Coin -- Exchanged for information about figments
Ronak Rothguard's Blood -- Exchanged for a favour to protect Maple
Xozu Zalster's Dice -- Exchanged for information about figments
Quill Emiryn's Soot -- An odd collectible, but that makes it even more interesting to her. Not often someone produces soot from their mouth. Gotten for free.
Alfonso Casares' Spirt Wail -- The flower the represents him the most. So he says. Gotten for free.
Maple's Dagger -- Scavenged from the sunken house in Astrum.

[Tier 2 to Tier 3 - In Progress]

{Offerings 19 -> 22)
She trades for the personal possesions of others. Her exact words being a "symbolic representation or physical manifestation of yourself."
Something that represents the individual in a meaningful way, either by way of blood, motifs, or personal connection to the object.

Hellman Kegheart's Hair Bead -- Exchanged for a favour.
Ginnian's Signature --Exchanged for information
Rose Amelia's Tea -- Exchanged for nothing
Dayton Erarh's Hair -- Exchanged for combat help

{Dedications 10 -> 14}

<A Helping Hand>
Sacrificed an important memory to Visage, in hopes of bartering a deal to help another visage blessed; So that they may both benefit
<Withheld Knowledge>
During the unicorn hunt, she finished the last stretch of the event alone. Withholding various knowledge from others she brought with her(what happened to the unicorn, that there was a missing child, ect.)
<A Trap Sprung>
Sprung a series of traps on two individuals(James and Connor), one of which was killed and the other grievously injured; At the time it was implied they wanted her help stopping something Visage was doing, so she attacked them pre-emptively to stop anything they may do.
<Another Persona>
Has once again crafted a new name, and persona to live within. Which has granted access again to some places she's been forbidden to go.
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Lord of Altera
Updating your profile was just a rouse all along. I fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.


Lord of Altera

I will be back to 3x illusions after
(I'm sorry. I wasn't strong enough)

(Also also, I apologize Kosta I'm WORKING on T2 as fast as I can)


Lord of Altera

I will be back to 3x illusions after
(I'm sorry. I wasn't strong enough)

(Also also, I apologize Kosta I'm WORKING on T2 as fast as I can)
Work faster.