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[Valiant] Rowley Durandal


Lord of Altera

Minecraft name:

Character name: Rowley Durandal

Link to normal character profile: Here!

Patron: Valiant

Overall Tier: Tier 2 - The Sacred


Spell Points: 5 per day.


Action: Prayer and the holding of a container of water.
Cost: 1SP
Duration: One day.
Spell: The caster blesses the equivalent to one cup’s worth of water and changes it’s qualities depending on the deity worshipped. It must remain in a container, and contact with said container must be held for at least ten seconds to fully turn its contents. The contents may be poured into another container but will turn back into water the next day. This cannot be stockpiled, for any liquid will revert back after the duration.

Not Jishrim, Skraag,or Visage: It becomes ‘Holy Water’, and is able to burn any Undead, Vyre, Mage, or individual who worships not of the Pantheon with the same heat and effect of boiling water. The burns shall heal over the span of three days. If consumed, it eases headaches and heals minor bruises or scratches. Has been known to repel supernatural entities.

Action: An uttering of; “[Divine], let them hear me.”
Cost: 1SP
Duration: Five minutes.
Spell: A halo of light forms behind the caster’s head, the colour thematic to their deity. For up to five minutes, those in RP chat range will be able to hear them clearly (providing they are not behind a wall or so on) and consider them paying attention to. They may instil a faint sense of Calm, Fear, or Courage within the audience.
Note: Should a higher tier blessed cast this spell in the same radius, it will over-ride the lower one.

Action: Prayer and touch of the target.
Cost: 1SP
Duration: One minute.
Spell: The caster wills the vague imagery of something themed to their own divine into the minds eye of another. This may be blinked away or shaken off if considered too disturbing, but is more akin to an unwanted thought or brief daydream than a forced visual.

Action: Prayer, and ritual/offering themed to the Divine.
Cost: 3SP
Duration: As long as it takes to ask a question and receive an answer.
Spell: With a ritual based around their chosen divine(such as lighting candles or incense, giving an offering, etc), a blessed may ask a single simple question - And are given a sign of some kind in return. This is limited to once per OOC week and may take several days for a response. At the lowest tier, it can be very vague and the response may not be given, verbal, or clear that one was granted at all. As the blessed grows higher in tier, the responses may become clearer.

Action: The prayer of, “[Divine], carry my words.”
Cost: 1SP per rank.
Duration: Must be asked and answered in the same day.
Spell: The caster is able to send a word or sentence depending on the rank it is used, which become available as your rank higher in divine tier. It can travel any distance, and the target will hear it spoken in their mind with the voice of the caster. The caster must know the name and face of the target they commune with.
Rank I - T1
The caster can send one single word to their target. They cannot be given a word in response.
Rank II - T2
The caster can send up to ten words to their target, and they can hear a response of up to as many in response.
Rank III - T3
The caster can send a far more cohesive message, and they can hear one in return. The word limit here is one single PM, so whatever you can fit into that box.

Action: Prayer. They must keep their hands on the location on which to summon it for one minute.
Cost: 1-3SP
Duration: One hour.
Spell: The caster summons forth a platter of food that can feed up to three people. It can be cast upon an existing surface (table, for example), or the floor. Eating divine food will restore some energy, ease minor pain, and give a sense of warmth and comfort from the divine in question. Once the spell ends, everything flickers away.
This spell can be cast at 1SP per person, up to three.

Valiant; Feast of the Brave
Simple wooden tableware and cups with iron utensils form upon a dark blue cloth. Healthy, hearty foods form, like stews, soups, and bread, but seem a type commonly available to all. Water is served.


Divine: Valiant.
Tier: 1
Action: Vocal prayer.
Cost: 1SP
Duration: 5 minutes.
Spell: The caster commands the attention of a violent foe, providing it is not a murderous rage. Events beasts and monsters will focus on the caster at the discretion of the DM, and player characters may lose the attention after a pause.

Divine: Valiant.
Tier: 1
Action: Prayer and touch of the target.
Cost: 2SP
Duration: One hour.
Spell: The caster forms a bond with another for a period of one hour and takes half of their injuries and pains upon themselves in order to lessen it. Does not protect the target from lethal injuries nor die themselves from being connected, the caster feeling the blow but not taking the physical wounds.

Divine: Valiant.
Tier: 1
Action: Prayer.
Cost: 1SP
Duration: One day.
Spell: The caster wards themselves for the rest of the day, enabling them to lift an arm as if holding a physical shield to deflect one physical blow, blue lightning arcing in the form of a shield before fading away. Cannot exceed the force of the average Earthspawn using a weapon. Can only be used once per day.

Divine: Valiant.
Tier: 1
Action: A short prayer uttered as the caster nicks themselves with the metal, and the submerging of the weapon in flowing water.
Cost: 3SP
Duration: Permanent, until re-cast.
Spell: Once per week the caster may, upon the completion of the ritual, imbue a weapon with the blessing of Valiant. The metal will darken to a dark greyish blue, glinting red in lighting. Crafts with this blessing will remain sharp and be twice as resilient to most damage, be it rust, brute force, or bluntening. If this weapon is used upon an innocent or in an act unfitting to Valiant’s tenets, it shatters completely and loses all the qualities stated.
Can only have one active at a time. If cast upon another weapon, the previous one reverts back to its former state.


Divine: Valiant.
Tier: 2
Action: Prayer.
Cost: 2SP
Duration: One day.
Spell: The caster wards themselves for the rest of the day, enabling them to lift an arm as if holding a physical shield to deflect up to three physical blows throughout the day, blue lightning arcing in the form of a shield before fading away. Cannot exceed the force of the average Earthspawn using a weapon, but all three charges can be used at once to deflect one hit from something with more force ie cannon fire or the hit from a giant. However, in these instances, the caster is still repelled backwards and will be injured (survivable).

Divine: Valiant.
Tier: 2
Action: Prayer and touching of the ground.
Cost: 4SP
Duration: Permanent, until a new location is made.
Spell: With a kneel and verbal prayer, over half an hour the Blessed wills an area of a 15 block radius to flatten out and form simple wooden palisades and a gatehouse over a period of two OOC days. Any entering this area are given a general feeling of safety, protection, and may take the time here to rest in various tents and ready themselves for the outsides once more. Sleeping within will let them awaken well-rested and invigorated. Anyone with ill intent finds the gatehouse shuts before they can get inside. Should this be cast again elsewhere, the old one fades.

This spell has a cooldown of 2 weeks OOC if it is not in an existing region, and you are able to contact event staff to request a pre-built area be added into the world for you.

Divine: Valiant.
Tier: 2
Action: Prayer, and the touching of a set of armour that will disintegrate upon ritual completion. This armour becomes their ‘ritual armour’ to be called forth in the future. To swap out which armour is used, the same process must be completed on a new set, the old set taking its place.
Cost: 4SP for the ritual cast, 2SP to summon, free to dismiss.
Duration: Permanent, until re-cast.
Spell: The caster makes a brief, vocal prayer, and over the span of roughly a minute their ritual armour forms around them clipping into place with faint arcs of lightning as the pieces join. The caster must stay still during this process or all armour will dematerialise and the spell will fail. Cannot be cast if armour is already worn. Only one set of armour can be active at a time.

Divine: Valiant.
Tier: 2
Action: Prayer.
Cost: 2SP
Duration: 30 minutes
Spell: The caster emits a battle cry thematic to Valiant, and all in a fifteen block radius (so long as they are not working against the caster) feel themselves fearless and energised, to pick up their weapons and continue onward. Even those physically exerted and injured will manage to power through their pains for the next half hour (roughly) unless they are fatally wounded. Once this time has elapsed, they will feel their pains in full and must tend to their wounds.


NAME: Holdfast.
DESCRIPTION: A breastplate made of a dark blue-hued steel that glints red in a metallic sheen. Upon the front is etched depictions of a great battle between armoured men and demonic creatures.
[PASSIVE]: Those who find themselves fighting alongside the wearer of the breastplate feel more reinvigorated and the pain of wounds and injuries is lessened while still retaining their degree of severity.
[ABILITY - ELECTRIFY]: They are able to imbue their breastplate with a layer of electrical energy that they can will outwards to push back up to three targets with enough force they may tumble (optional DC of 12 to beat) so long as they are in the range of three blocks to their left, right, or before them. Exposed skin on the targets (arms, torso, neck) will be harmed to the same level as second degree burns, though the scarring appears as red arcs of lightning. This can be done once per day.
ATTUNED TO: Rowley Durandal / Phiilvar

Passives(s) or Sustained Effects:
-They gain an electric blue ring about the pupil.
-Harmless arcs of lightning form between their fingers and around the pupil in times of high emotion or bouts of adrenaline.

-Wounds that would not require stitches seal over with a metallic sheen within five minutes, leaving scars or not at the choice of the player.
-In times of adrenaline (such as conflict or battle) they are able to lift up to 150lbs with ease for a limited period of time, such as hauling someone’s body from a place of danger or pulling something up that pins an ally down. This cannot be used in combat scenarios against another player.

Current Divine Status:
- Protecting his family.


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Lord of Altera
-=- His Efforts -=-

- Sofia Westbrooke-Abel

- Sofia Westbrook-Abel
- Marceau Laflamme

Active Students:
- Monty Durandal (to an extent)

Current Feats:
  • Has held a total of three sermons, two in Blackrush and another in Storm's Landing.
  • Fought in the War against Kilroxian cultists.
  • Took Sofia as his student and squire.
  • Helped removing the Jishrim heart from Haven.
  • Joined the Sons of Valor.
  • Went on missions in Linlea to aid with their endeavors.
  • Took down the Arachian Warlord 'The Reckoning' alongside Damien.
  • Helped in driving the Arachian Lord out of Nid Arach.
His Goals:
  • Keep Blackrush Crossing safe.
  • Keep his son and wife safe.
(Will be updated with more stuff)
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