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Trading TF2/Stuff on Hollowworld Items

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
Right. This is going to sound really, really scabby, but I was wondering...
If someone would buy me Half Life 2 and I trade it for a load of TF2 items :p I highly doubt anyone will do it.
So, I will also add some of my extensive collection of stuff on Hollowworld, and I will give Radiants/items that I have for it.
If there are TF2 Fanatics here, I have around 4 pages of TF2 stuff on Steam, and almost all of it I'm willing to sell for Half Life 2.
Or, if someone were willing, since I have £4.16 on Steam, somehow you could pay for part of it, or I could give you some items and that 4 quid.
I highly doubt anyone will look at this, but if you wish to take up an offer which you would do, just post it and I'll see what'll happen :D



The Mogul of Cromarcky
I might would.

When I get home from work tonight I'll check your steam backpack and see if I feel such a trade would be fair.

What's your steam name?