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[Theodra | Tier 2] Som, the Last Ranger


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner

IG NAME: Somnastra
CHARACTER: Somnastra
PROFILE: { Link }

PATRON: Theodra.







][ A silver ring forms around the pupil, intensifying (or glowing) in times of heightened emotion or adrenaline, up to the player.
][ Divine markings thematic to their divine form (in color as well as design) upon the body. This can be as simple as bands around the wrists, or an entire intricate design across the back, left up to the player.


][ Wounds that do not require stitches can be licked or coated in some variety of herbal salve to heal them. The scars appear silver or they fade entirely, at the choice of the player.
][ They become very good at climbing, keeping a sturdy grip, and they can jump an extra two feet upward or across than the average person.

STATUS: Wandering, surviving, observing. Dismantling.


Taught others about Theodra:
Trained young Rangers, led hunts, etc.
Helped unchain Theodra from the chains of corruption.
Replicated the divine god-killing arrow that Theodra gave to mortals so that they could defend themselves against corrupted Harateth.

What she remembers:
Carried Once, once.
Lives in the wild.
Maintains strength of arm.

In order to first become Blessed, the following requirements should be met;

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread.
The character must be at least two months old OOC.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host an event which is of thematic significance to their divine.
+ [Hidden From Sight] Bent her bow in the defense of Raelur, Lana, Valerie, and Anwar as they sought the source of undead in the Central Forest.​
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.
+ She guided Raelur to where he could literally divine the location of a Skraag effigy.​
+ [Meat's Back on the Menu] She hunted game for the Tilted Whale and Anchor Taproom. She felled three of the five beasts that were brought down.​
+ [The Glade] Bent her bow and took up her blade in the hunting of the undead menace that was threatening the celebration of the Harvest Festival outside of Storm's Landing.​
One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.)
+ OOCly there are three carved symbols of the Rangers in the cathedral in Storm's Landing. ICly, Som ties these onto branches deep in the wilds, as a sort of physical/practical prayer.​

[Tier 1 Achieved 12/21/2022]

In order to first become tier two, the following requirements should be met;

Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
+ Achieved on 1/12/2022​
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host at least two events which are of thematic significance to their divine.
+ [Wildfire Hunt] Cieren's first hunt, Som guided the younglings in tracking the invasive animals that had spread out from the Ashlands. They were ambushed by some hungry ash hounds and defended themselves.​
+ [Wandering Hills] A surprising outing with Lysander and Rhyla. A quest. Perhaps a test. Stayed her hand when death was not needed, recognized a beast out of place, and the trio was rewarded for their wisdom with an unexpected sighting.​
The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)
+ A blooded silver feather that she wears in her hair. She picked it up off the ground when she was tracking impossible things with Lysander and Rhyla. She believes this to be .. a sign of approval, of sorts, and a reminder at the very least.​
+ A holy symbol, carved and consecrated to hunt effigies which draw the undead.​
Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)
+ Som wasn't sure what drove her to erect a shrine of the huntress, except that she can remember the Huntress's influence even through times where she cannot remember anything else. And so, in the far north, near where the only family that she can remember made their home, Som found several hulking slabs of rock. Through ingenuity, perseverance, and patience, she managed to establish them as a pair of worn standing stones flanking a moss-covered stone table. On the standing stones, she carved scenes in deceptively simple pictograms. One stone depicts woodlands and plains teeming with creatures, including some wolves which stalk the other creatures; the other depicts a brutal hunt of a creature that she intentionally leaves vague. Is it a hunter singling out one of the creatures from the other stone? Or a woodland protector bending their bow in defense of them? It is unclear. Next to the standing stones, she stacks smaller stones in precarious balance. They are intended to fall and be replaced, signifying the constant struggle to survive in the wilderness, even when there is a natural balance. Moss takes to the ground around the stones, and Som does what she can to encourage it's spread, finding the silence the wild carpet provides fitting to a shrine of the goddess of the hunt.​
+ On the stone table, Som fills a clay bowl with the elixir of survival: water, clear and cold from a spring. She then sought a knife. A silver knife, at least. When she ran into a stranger in Storm's Landing with a blooded silver knife that he willingly gave, she was triumphant. The dagger was placed next to the bowl of water, and she visits periodically to ensure the little shrine is maintained.​
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
+ Carves bows for those around her who need them, and teaches others in their use. She views bows as a necessary tool for survival in the wilderness, as they provide both defense and sustenance.​
+ Relies on her wits and bodily strength to survive in the wilderness, as she spends most of her time trekking the continent. Usually dragging others along.​
+ Hunts and dismantles effigies, which are the source of the undead scourge up on the continent. Her ability to track them is tied to her faith, and she is diligent about this because she views the undead as an encroachment into the territory of the Huntress (i.e. the wilds).​
- There was another effigy hunted and destroyed after the T1 application but before it was approved. I don't remember the date, but it was solo. Honestly shocked that it was my only solo one for so long.​
- [December 21st] Effigy of Skraag dismantled with Bennett witnessing.​
- [January 18th] Hunted an effigy with Lysander, Cieren, and Nywyn after Cieren's restoration of the Theodran Shrine. Successfully destroyed.​
- [January 19th] Hunted an effigy that had encroached on Silver Conclave land with Frost. Successfully destroyed.​
- [January 22nd] Tracked an effigy with Lysander after the feather hunt. Successfully destroyed.​
- [January 23rd] Tracked an effigy with Marian in the Central Forests. Successfully destroyed.​
- [January 26th] Hunted an effigy alone within The Vortex. Successfully destroyed.​
- [January 31st] Trekked ACROSS THE TUNDRA with Podric, so he could use his phoenix wings to get to the top of an obscenely tall statue and dismantle an effigy.​
- [February 5] Hunted an effigy to the northwest of Boltnthar. Successfully destroyed.​
+ Teaches others how to hunt effigies, directing them to Ashna when they need holy symbols blessed.​
- Taught Cieren how to dismantle effigies, and showed Lysander and Nywyn what to look for.​
- Showed Frost how to track and dismantle effigies, and told her to see Ashna in order to bless her holy symbol, which subsequently spread the information to the Silver Conclave.​
> Fronslin literally said "learning this plugin IC is really cool," so do with that what you will
- Technically showed Podric IC, too.​
+ [Into the Tundra] It was cold, and Som did not expect much trouble. But some leftover undead emerged from the woods, and Som swiftly dispatched one with her bow, and another later that came from beneath the snow.​
+ [Hungry Winter] Again, it was cold, and the survival of an old woman is being threatened by the harassment of a wendigo. Along with some... questionable hunting partners, they dispatch the wendigo, and Som helps gather supplies for the woman to survive the winter. This one doesn't sit quite right with Som, for a couple reasons. But she did what had to be done in the moment, and is determined to be more selective of her hunting party in the future.​
+ [Northern Festival] Won the archery competition. Som does not compete for competition's sake, but because the motions are the most familiar thing in the world. For her, archery is like meditation, or perhaps more accurately, a physical prayer, as she has been grateful for the renewed presence of her divine patron, finding that it fills a gap in her heart that her forgotten memories left behind.​
+ [Firebreak] Som, Marian, and the youngsters went to finish the work of clearing the invasive ash hounds from the woodlands to the west of the Ashlands. They laid traps for the large pack, and successfully eliminated the threat.​
+ [Foragers Wanted!] Som went with Lysander and some others through the Rift in search of crimsonwart. She did not go because she sought the fungus herself, but in case something were to happen. The Rift is dangerous, after all. And sure enough, the party inadvertently provoked a pair of boar-like creatures which made the hellish landscape their home. Shoulder to shoulder with some of the others, Som stood her ground, defending her friends from the vicious-looking tusks. Everyone made it home relatively unscathed.​
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Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
I wish I could commission someone to update my threads for me.