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[Theodra - 2] Laicelem Aethlren


Legend of Altera
Retired Staff


◤◢◣◥◤ ◢◣◆◢◣◥◤◢◣◥


PROFILE: { Link }
IG NAME: xSneekz

PATRON: Theodra

TIER: Blessed, T2



  • DESCRIPTION: An archblossom longbow of visceral aesthetic. Repeated treatment with sacred blood from the great predators of the wild has shifted the usual teal glow of the wood into a rich hue of crimson. Thin, blood-red tendrils glow intricately along the surface like veins, and a scope of floating blood is formed any time the string is pulled back.
  • PASSIVE: Arrows loosed from Carnage aesthetically appear as a flash of ominous red light, and they emit a terrifying shriek as they fly. Upon a killing blow with this weapon a dreadful burst of gore sprays out from where the arrow hit. The weapon otherwise acts as masterworked archblossom would.
  • [ABILITY - RUPTURE]: Three times per day, after striking a target with an arrow loosed from Carnage the attuned may optionally roll Soul+Malaise against them. If the attuned passes the check, veins surrounding the wound will violently burst open and the attuned may roll for the attack's damage at advantage.

[DIVINE FORM] - Deception
- [BLIND FAITH] - The blessed relies wholly and unquestioningly in their faith in times of confusion, and may use Soul instead of Mind when rolling to resist mental effects.

Their pupils become slitted, and/or the teeth can appear sharper.
- Their shouts can be altered to take on more animalistic traits, as if amplified and joined by the sound of the animal equivalent.

They become very good at climbing, keeping a sturdy grip, and they can jump an extra two feet upward or across than the average person.
- Upon standing still for at least two rounds they are somewhat harder to detect if they are within foliage, and seem to blend in with it better.

STATUS: Recruiting for the Cause




{ The Deadlands Revival } T1
Laicelem, Cieren, Candice, Keone, and Arvyth united together under Laicelem's leadership to locate and eradicate a Deadlands Colossus.
» Do not give mercy, and do not expect it.
» Do ensure to perform your duties unwaveringly, and to completion.
» Do not sit idle in the face of a threat. Take up your bow and track it to the source.

{ Defied Orders } T1
After his workers disobeyed Laicelem's orders to have the Deadlands Pod taken from the Colossus destroyed, he, Asero Crow, and Theodosius Basileos tracked the beast that grew from the pod down and killed it. It was an extension of Qlippoth, and its destruction was important. This creature grew and was slain near Laicelem's home and family in his territory Respite.
» You shall defend your family and home, and teach them well the ways of the world.
» Do not give mercy, and do not expect it.
» Do ensure to perform your duties unwaveringly, and to completion.
» Do not sit idle in the face of a threat. Take up your bow and track it to the source.

{ Amongst The Dunes } T1
A simple hunt for a complex prey: Emperor Scorpions. On this hunt, Laicelem shared his discoveries and experiences with a recent, previous encounter with corrupted emperor scorpions during his travels with the Rangers. The creatures were divided up among the party, and each harvested part was collected for a purpose, including the meat, which was not wasted. A fight with these foes took considerable physical capability, which Laicelem proved to have by triumphing over his prey.
» You shall defend your family and home, and teach them well the ways of the world.
» You shall resist temptation, the allure of gluttony and the urge to kill without need.
» Let not your body fall into disrepair, for the way of the sloth is a disrespect to the lands that allow you to live.

{ Ashen Hunt } T1
Brought to the Ashlands by Frost along with Kethron, Asero Crow, and Kaatreya, Laicelem used his skills and ranged prowess to handle dangerous adversaries in the Ashlands. Hunting for Drakodo was a new experience for Laicelem, however he quickly learned through experience and the knowledge of Asero. As the day went on the group was faced by a Magama elemental. Laicelem was able to kill it after it severely injured Kaatreya and Frost. After the elemental was defeated, the group was able to bring the others back to the north and save them.
» You shall defend your family and home, and teach them well the ways of the world.
» Do not give mercy, and do not expect it.
» Do ensure to perform your duties unwaveringly, and to completion.
» Do not sit idle in the face of a threat. Take up your bow and track it to the source.


{ Shrine } T2 [x]
Location: [ 2646, 100, -7203 ]
Object Sacrificed: [ Tribunal Cuirass ]

{ Holy Symbol } T2 [x]


{ To Dethrone } T2 [x]
The second plunge into Dranoden's territory brought Laicelem and the Rangers to face off against the Tribunal, a pair of demon generals that seemed to function as a single unit. Laicelem treated this outing as a hunt for the Tribunal, which the party met during their first trip to the spot. He prayed to Theodra before the hunt and fought along side fellow Theodrans and Rangers to bring down The Just Reaver by using his polearm and longbow (using his Quiver cantrip for his arrow).
Later he would sacrifice the cuirass he took from the Just Reaver to Theodra upon a shrine he built for his manor in Respite.
» Do not give mercy, and do not expect it.
» Do ensure to perform your duties unwaveringly, and to completion.
» Do not sit idle in the face of a threat. Take up your bow and track it to the source.

{ In The Name of Defense } T2 [x]
Laicelem hosted a training event in the ruins of Sanardu in order to help the current population of Altera's finest hone their parkour and sparring skills. His goal was to both help them train to be physically fit, and to teach them the wisdom that comes with learning determination and teamwork. This worked as both a sermon about the importance of training, fitness, and teamwork, and also helped to actually physically train those involved and get them in shape in order to be ready and strong in the face of future conflict.
» Do ensure to perform your duties unwaveringly, and to completion.
» Let not your body fall into disrepair, for the way of the sloth is a disrespect to the lands that allow you to live.
» You shall defend your family and home, and teach them well the ways of the world.


1. { Exorcisms } T2 [x][x]
Ashna and Laicelem jointly performed an exorcism on Fita to break her contract to Dranoden. Skala was erased as a consequence, however Laicelem and Ashna had the wisdom to apply a Death Ward on to Skala first, so that if she disappeared she might be brought back (successful exorcism of an abyssal).
» Do ensure to perform your duties unwaveringly, and to completion.
» Do not sit idle in the face of a threat. Take up your bow and track it to the source

2. { Cover of Darkness } T2 [x]
Trudging around the expanse of Nid Arach, Laicelem & party tracked down the whereabouts of Markus of Blackrush, one who had fallen prey to the deceit of a devil. By pursuing Markus step-by-step Laicelem and his party performed a successful hunt against one who had betrayed his men and gone to hide among the Arachian Priests. Markus was hunted without waver for his acts of spreading Demonic corruption, and was not shown mercy upon being found.
» Do not give mercy, and do not expect it.
» Do ensure to perform your duties unwaveringly, and to completion.
» Do not sit idle in the face of a threat. Take up your bow and track it to the source.

3. { Negotiations } T2 [x]
After hearing word of a rebellious massacre Laicelem and Sophie came to visit their lands in the central plains to investigate the meaning of the disturbance. After being faced with a hard choice, whether to side with an Imperial Enforcer, or one of Sophie's own knights, Laicelem decided he would apply his wisdom to the situation instead. Rather than slaughtering either of them for the threat they bring upon his land, Laicelem decided he would overrule the Arachian Lord's Law of The Dead. He exercised restraint and willingness to negotiate for the sake of avoiding undue harm and unnecessary bloodshed. In the end the Knight in charge of the massacre was exiled and the Enforcer was instructed that they would no longer be taking the dead from the Gardens of Endearment.
» Do not give mercy, and do not expect it.
» You shall resist temptation, the allure of gluttony and the urge to kill without need.
» You shall defend your family and home, and teach them well the ways of the world.

4. { Investigation } T2 [x]
As word of rebellion began to spread through the empire of Cor Votum, Laicelem and Sophie were invited by Branko to help locate the rebels that destroyed one of Cor Votum's towns and kidnapped Haefer. Amidst this investigation Laicelem used the grace of Theodra to help locate tracks, and though the party eventually found who they were looking for, Laicelem ultimately used his discretion and wisdom to decide he was not going to aid in helping to fight. Rather, he would prefer to watch Branko try his hand in combat alone, since Laicelem did not believe their blood should be spilled.
» You shall resist temptation, the allure of gluttony and the urge to kill without need.
» Do not sit idle in the face of a threat. Take up your bow and track it to the source.

5. { A Change in Perspective } T2 [x]
After a spar with the Ranger Somnastra, Laicelem was able to work out his frustration through both words and actions. In doing this he not only helped to keep himself and his leader fit, but also he was more meaningfully able to develop a new perspective on his faith, and what aspects play in with Wisdom. By discussing it with her, Laicelem revealed to himself that Wisdom is not a lone effort, but rather something that is shared, valued, and important to take in from others. Rather than simply listening to what he believes himself to be wise, he has instead changed his perspective to place more importance on hearing out the wisdom of others and considering all aspects and perspectives on a matter more fairly in order to obtain a wiser outcome.
» Let not your body fall into disrepair, for the way of the sloth is a disrespect to the lands that allow you to live.

6. { The Range } T2 [x]
Laicelem brought Sophie and Glomlir out to the training range near the Ranger Hall in Linlea for archery practice. Laicelem followed up on his training with Glomlir on the crossbow, and made sure Sophie was rust-free in preparation for the fight to come in the wartime. Laicelem covered the fundamentals of making a good shot, including when to breathe, release, and for Glomlir, how to pull his trigger. The trio discussed wisdom and tactics of battle, discussing the weaknesses they've observed over time from Branko and Matthias. Laicelem wanted to hear the wisdom of his friends and allies in order to adjust his own take on the matter after learning that Wisdom is a shared, group-based effort that cannot be done alone.
» Let not your body fall into disrepair, for the way of the sloth is a disrespect to the lands that allow you to live.
» You shall defend your family and home, and teach them well the ways of the world.


Meaningful Ritual [x]


1. { Formation of a Cult } T3 [x]
[Create or join an active cult dedicated to your character’s patron (once)]

2. { Beast Encounter: Nathair + Demon Cult } T3 [x]
Laicelem, Sophie, Glomlir, and Kethron adventured to Veil Isle to investigate rumors of disappearances and strange encounters. After doing some investigation Laicelem guided them to the path they needed to be on using Theodra's tracking spell, and eventually the group made their way down through a cave system to locate their prey. They found a demonic cult led by an abyssal Moor Elf boasting serpentine features. During the bloody fight two Nathair serpents were summon and fought off by the group, who managed to slay one before fire oil consumed the cavern's water and filled it with smoke. Killing off the cultists and ensuring their leader was slain, the group rescued what survivors there were and managed to get them back home safely to their loved ones.
» Do not give mercy, and do not expect it.
» Do ensure to perform your duties unwaveringly, and to completion.
» Do not sit idle in the face of a threat. Take up your bow and track it to the source.
[Attend an event directly related to your character’s faith (repeatable)]

3. { Hunters } T3 [x]
Laicelem, Sophie, Leofwine, Albert, and Faith delved into the depths of hell in search of the lands of Geomorren. Along the way they encountered a traveling band of the Twin Horn's demons. Laicelem demonstrated his understanding of wisdom by seeking the input of his fellowship on this journey, who aided in making decisions for the group. He stealthily stalked his prey from atop a ridge, formed a plan to fight them, and coordinated the rest of the team into making it happen. The group's hunt was successful and they slaughtered all but a few of the demons that escaped. The group is now in pursuit of them via boat across a great sea of lava.
» Do not give mercy, and do not expect it.
» Do ensure to perform your duties unwaveringly, and to completion.
» Do not sit idle in the face of a threat. Take up your bow and track it to the source.
[Attend an event directly related to your character’s faith (repeatable)]

4. { Cages } T3 [x]
Laicelem, Sophie, Leofwine, Albert, Faith, and Kethron continue their journey through the depths of hell. As they search for the lands of Geomorren, they encounter an ominous bridge and an eight-meter-tall demon bull guarding it. The group fought bravely together and Laicelem was able to hunt his prey in the end, slaying another (presumably) general and adding to his list of accomplishment.
» Do not give mercy, and do not expect it.
» Do ensure to perform your duties unwaveringly, and to completion.
» Do not sit idle in the face of a threat. Take up your bow and track it to the source.
[Attend an event directly related to your character’s faith (repeatable)]

5. { Souls } T3 [x]
As the plunge continues deeper yet, the party had an unexpected, yet very welcome rendezvous with their various gods in one of the least likely places. Laicelem was saved by Theodra's power and shown a vision of one of his early hunting trips with the Rangers. Her grace saved him from a lamentior's explosion, and he later reached into the mysterious pool to commune with her just as Leofwine had with Valiant. He was granted a strange, powerful artifact that would only last a temporary amount of time, but that would prove impossibly valuable to the group in their efforts to stealthily locate where the souls were held. As the traveled onward the party found where the souls were and began to plan how they'd free them. Eventually they decided destroying the structure itself was their most viable option, and, to achieve that they'd take out the guardian lamentiors and lead them to explode near critical structural points to bring the whole place down. In this planning phase, Laicelem listened to this wisdom of his party members and came to a decision along side them, trusting that their insights together would form a better plan than one person alone. After a long, nasty fight the party seemed to be successful--however, their success caught the attention of the resident archdemon, and they were soon faced with the towering form of Geormorren himself. Narrowly escaping his wrath thanks to Kethron's portal magic, Laicelem traded blows with the demon lord and was the last of the group to escape. He ensured all the others made it out before him and he held off the wrathful entity for as long as he could, though it proved to be too powerful for him to stay and face alone. He swore in the name of his Goddess that he would come back one day to finish the job.
» Do not give mercy, and do not expect it.
» Do ensure to perform your duties unwaveringly, and to completion.
» Do not sit idle in the face of a threat. Take up your bow and track it to the source.
[Attend an event directly related to your character’s faith (repeatable)]

6. { Nature's Reprieve } T3 [x]
After his ventures in hell Laicelem returned to the Landing to visit his shrine in the cathedral. He hunted three rabbits and left them as an offering to the poor and hungry who follow or are curious about Theodra. One of the rabbits was used to paint Theodra's symbol upon the central tree of the shrine as Laicelem began to pray and sanctify the area in her name, ultimately making it just a touch more wild and natural (see spell effects). As a final request he also prayed to Theodra to return his blooded silver arrows that were lost amidst the chaos of the party's final battle against Geormorren.
» You shall resist temptation, the allure of gluttony and the urge to kill without need.
[Describe a meaningful ritual or practice that your character demonstrates their faith by (once)]
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