Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The wedding of Zalen and Amethyst


Lord of Altera
IC name*: Emily
IGN name*: Machy234
"You look closely at the picture and think"?*: {I could've sworn she had blue hair...}
What are you excited to see?: A wedding where nobody dies, they couple actually get married, and there are /NO/ tricks or anything at all. (I know what you're like Moky. :p )
What do you want to see?: Another after party to remember. :D


I think I might like it here
:O my landlord is getting married
IC name*: Taavet
IGN name*: McTafka
"You look closely at the picture and think"?*: what picture am i supposed to look exactly?
What are you excited to see?: a wedding and maybe some RP contacts
What do you want to see? fish to be served to EVERYONE..........*goes fishing*


Yū Yi
Okay... Edited as it is supposed to be poster and not picture(my bad, but you hopefully knew what I meant)

IC name*: Emily
IGN name*: Machy234
"You look closely at the picture and think"?*: {I could've sworn she had blue hair...}
What are you excited to see?: A wedding where nobody dies, they couple actually get married, and there are /NO/ tricks or anything at all. (I know what you're like Moky. :p )
What do you want to see?: Another after party to remember. :D
THIS JUST MADE THE WHOLE WEDDING... {Emy:"Don't leave me alone! you promised!"}