Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Wedding of Lady Kataja Silverain And Sir Reltimus Selmon

Sigurd Selmon

Lord of Altera
Well, it's finally come to this.​
Their love story has gone through hard times and good times.​
And it's now going to truly start, with their marriage.​
Kataja and Reltimus' marriage.​
This unification of these two people mark a new chapter in their story.​
And we wish for all Altera to witness.​
The wedding will be held on Saturday 13th April at 9pm (GMT).​
And will take place on The Stormbringer in Aeroch Nor.​
Be all welcome.​


sparkles emoji
Waaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiii dooooooooooo I keeeeeeeeeeeeeep miiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing aaaaaaawesoooooooooome maaaaarriaaaaaaaaaages?! D:|


Lord of Altera
So I'll have to be on at 8:00am on Sunday, I think. Unless I've missed it? D: *mutters darkly* stupid time zones..

EDIT: just re-read it, the wedding is not until the 13th, so I'm all clear!


Carpet Monkey
The Elumerils ofcourse will come =)

even more as we are a good example of love between elves and humans :D