Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The New Character Profile of Wrayh


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: King Henry Wray the III
Nickname/Alias: Wray (call him by this never use king because he isn't one anymore)
Age: 53
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 160 Ibs
Hair: Blonde Hair with a Short Beard
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Tan
Identifying Marks: Thick head of hair and Robe
Appearance: A older man with a blonde beard, once was a king of a magnificent kingdom
Strengths: He works well under pressure and is quite brave
Weaknesses and fears: He fears the memories of the day he lost his kingdom and is very touchy when it comes to conversation(especially if used as insult)
cults and clans: N/A
Profession: Strong Leader and Skilled Hunter
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Human

I have a special way of telling you his RP background :cool:
After his tragic battle losing his people, wife, and child. The man left the land and discovered Altera where he will live out the rest of his days... Hopefully.


Legend of Altera
you know what maybe you should make an rp where you want to retake you land and rebuild
as a mage of funera i will call my comrads to assist you :p i had that idea


Loyal Servant of Altera
Nice :p Well, this is who I will be once I get back on sometime around may -_-
Hope I am welcomed with open arms :'( haha


Legend of Altera
quick question if you jumped off a tower wouldnt your rp character be like crippled or something and later he was have his leg fixed?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
O.O Am I allowed to be the jerk who lets free all the monsters and completely destroys the castle?
Lore of the possible town: Me, being the wonderful demon I am, decides to destroy this lonely king and take his castle. I summon a Horde of Naught and lead them in a surprise attack against the town. After a brief struggle we take the castle. Fast forward a week or so, PeculiarGuy marches an army to retake the castle, after a long siege with both of our sides taking heavy losses we sign a peace treaty. The treaty states I'm forbidden to summon a Horde of Naught for any reason, and that I can keep this town as long as PeculiarGuy has equal leadership of it. The rest is history.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Another thing! I'm currently planning to make the castle from the music video, so... :\
why the :/ face? It's fine it won't take away from my RP Character I am playing as the King after he lost his kingdom so it's not like I was planning to live there. Go for it! I want pics!


Loyal Servant of Altera
quick question if you jumped off a tower wouldnt your rp character be like crippled or something and later he was have his leg fixed?
In the behind the scenes video Captainsparklez points out that below where he jumps he lands in a 2x2 well that lost it's top and that when he posted it to youtube, the video blurred it out to nearly invisible.


Legend of Altera
if you gave me a part i dont care what part but yea cant wait to join in if i can :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
What are you two talking about? wait is this turning into an RP event? THAT WOULD BE SOOOO COOL!


Legend of Altera
yea thats what i was talking about in the first place im thinking an rp event to take back whast left f your town and make it new new again!!!


Loyal Servant of Altera
I would LOVE that! That would be soooooo fun to do! Just a bunch of guys going into the town to fight mobs!