Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The New Character Profile of Wrayh


Loyal Servant of Altera
I will be back on late May early June... So my new character will be a part of the new world.


Lord of Altera
The guy didn't abandon his wife!! :confused: If you watch, the zombies are already upon her and the child, the bridge is blown up, and there is no way back. The only way he could have returned to save her is if he pulled out two (Insert pistol of choice here), went into a slow motion action scene, and pulled off an epic jump across the gap, annihilating the zombies on his way across, then charging through the town blasting every thing not human to tiny pieces.

So... In other words... He didn't abandon her, he just did not have the capability to save her, so he did what he knew she would want and got to safety!! ^-^


Lord of Altera
Also, Blarg, it is not necro if the thread still holds some relevance. So, unless Wrayh has decided to not be this character anymore, it is not a necro.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Alrighty, Mr... Evilwoman? (Not sure what to call you anymore)...

Eric, its impossible. If my (theoretical) wife was on one side of the Golden Gate bridge, and I was on the other its impossible for me to get to her... Especially since I can't swim.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Yes, but three blocks is a bit chancy... Don't lie, you know it is... Not to mention the fact that the equivalent of a horde of Naught was on the other side of the bridge... And it would be very difficult to jump over a gap while being shot at, exchausted from running, zombies are falling through the bridge trying to grab you, exc...


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Not all of them, there were three or four monsters chasing him. And the other tower could of had another entrance... Say a spiraling staircase.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I would like to add that the woman in the video was in fact my wife. But I was simply to horrified at the sight. When I looked back she was already bit in the legs. There was nothing I could do to save her and if I jumped for my child she and the other creatures surely would have gotten me. So I continued. It was the logical choice and although I will live with the gilt that I left my wife and child to die. I am always thankful to have survived. I honestly had intensions of dying when jumping off the tower. The fact that the well was below me was nothing short of a miracle. It obviously wasn't my time... And I thank whoever was looking down at me guiding my path that night...


Loyal Servant of Altera
:/ I don't like the RP Character.. I thought it would be fun but really it's just like acting like the 3rd wheel in a 6 person rp... I think I am gonna make a new one... Maybe a Dwarf :p