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[The Great Grove] Tauredal

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Retired Staff
Mayors: Speed958 (Queen Alexantria Saeradan) and Readij (Rilas Duskholm).

Access: From the Airdocks, walk around to the left, and take the airship with the double blue and white balloons.

Location: x: 12500, z: 4200

How to join: PM Speed (Alexantria on the forums) and Readij via the forums, or talk to us in game. Tell us a bit about your RP character, and why you want to join. Just remember, Tauredal is predominately an Elven town.

House: Tauredal is home of House Saeradan. You don't have to be a member of House Saeradan to join the town, but if you're interested, talk to Speed.

Town Guidelines:
- All the usual stuff; no griefing, no stealing, no running around like a twit and ruining RPs.
- No mines. This is an Elven tree town; if you want to dig like a Dwarf, go somewhere else.
- Builds to be approved by Speed or Readij before you start; giant trees are actually pretty tricky to build. If you want to build it yourself, please trial it in single player/creative first, and show us the screen shots. We're happy to build the tree for you, and you can add buildings later, if you like, as long as it sticks to the general theme.
- Give us the heads up if you're going inactive. It takes a lot of effort to make the homes in Tauredal, so we'd like to see you at least every now and again. If you disappear for ages, we do have a town vault to move your stuff into until you come back.

RP: We love RP! You don't have to be a member of the town to visit; all are welcome to come and look around, and enjoy some great RP.

The true beginning of Tauredal lies in the ruins of another town, far away in another world. Born in the ashes of the Cataclysm, Aspendale was a place of peace and beauty. The intricate and ornate buildings that Aspendale was renowned for were delicately placed throughout the landscape.


No one quite knows why the people of Aspendale disappeared; whatever hand decided their fate declined to make a mark in the pages of history. What is known, however, is that an ancient magic settled in the ruins, breathing life into the structures and the very earth itself. The great power sprouted magnificent giant trees, the like of which has rarely been seen since.


Many found themselves drawn to the mysterious beauty and power of Tauredal; forest folk such as hunters, druids, rangers, and Elves in particular all named Tauredal home. It also became the seat of the ancient and noble House Saeradan, the cunning and loyal Wood Elves who rose to become the Lords of the Forrest.


The Elves weren’t the only ones to rise to power; the old magic also brought life to a darkness deep within the surrounding Wilderwood. The inhabitants of Tauredal took it upon themselves to act as guardians against the dark power of the wilds.


With the Exodus, the Elves fled to the new world, but not without bringing some of their saplings through with them. The magic found within the original Tauredal has travelled safely to the new, and the great grove has grown once more.



Retired Staff

We've just recently completed our brand new smithy/forge, and we're looking for a smith to fill it! Depending on how many people are interested, we might even be able to expand enough for two smiths if it suits the situation.





It comes complete with it's own quarters and storage area... and (sort of) private beach!




Honestly, we don't expect you to be there 100% of the time, but we're after people who love RP and would be happy to spend a fair bit of time there, not just 'owning' the forge but only dropping in once a month. The area is also free; we don't want your money, just your RP! With regards to that, I'm also willing to donate regular basic supplies to help you along ;)

All are welcome to come and have a good look around and use it for RP, whether you're interested in the position or not :) The forge is open all the time. You can access it either from the beach, or the tree above (which is a work in progress); just head downstairs.


If you think you'd be interested, give Alexantria (Speed958 in game) and myself a shout via PM on here :D


Retired Staff
Just an update - Tauredal will not be taking on any new residents until after Exodus; town needs a bit of work.


Retired Staff
Just another update. With the move across to the new world, Tauredal is going to be rebuilt a bit. Right now, I've got no idea who's actually active in the town, so I'm going to be starting from scratch, with just me. I'll be asking for people to reapply if they want to live in the town.

Giant trees will still of course feature, but the town is not going to be a direct copy. Any chests or personal gear in houses etc, will be placed in storage til we can get it sorted.


Loyal Servant of Altera
The Elven population "have been hit by A meteor" as I would like to say, because I notice that not many people roleplay as elves anymore, and worst fact is that most of the elven characters currently live at huge cities even though they are supposed to live near forests or at quieter cities.
I may have stolen most of the elves..


Retired Staff
Update... again :p Got massive plans in the works for Tauredal, so it will still be rebuilt with the move, but as we're not sure when Exodus is going to be, I'll start taking on new residents again. Just don't get upset when the town changes a tonne :p


Retired Staff
Yep, just come find me in game. Town is going to change a bit with the move to the new world though, just a heads up.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I haven't seen many in Tauredal lately. The Exile reached the city and I'd love a roleplay with some inhabitants :D
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