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The Grave Herald


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The Grave Herald
A series of heralded words or letters written for the Landing
from the Ministry of the Grey Lady based within the Graveyard.
(There will be more)


*There is first poster posted upon the Storm's Landing board. And a copy can be made for any regional area that wishes to advertise this.*

Qualms of the Lich have spread in forms of defiling effigies.
They raise the dead in mindless hungry forms, those of fellow citizens, family and strangers.
Send word to the Ministry if you have located one or worry if one is near your village and wish it dismantled.

*A second poster is posted on the SL board. 7/9/22*

The Ministry of the Grey Lady will not recognize Branko Callas or the Skraagites holding full reign of the swamplands of our Continent to carry on misdeeds of necromancy. These lands are at the center of outter trade where innocents move resources, and is within the territory of the Hakiaz Clan whom we recognize as ruling parts of its territory. The Ministry continues to stand against the Skraagites that have nettled their way to the Continent and remain steadfast against those that threaten the Veil between souls. Any attempt to join them or aid them is never recommended. If you are threatened or are frightened, contact a Ministry member in order to find protection or aid.


*A poster is set upon the Grave's boards. 3/1/23*

The Ministry of the Grey Lady recognizes the uses of the Anchor Arcanas, items heralded to absorb Arcane magic that limit its infliction upon the thinning of the Veil. However, the Ministry implores not using them unless absolutely vital, in time of great need, for they are said to aid the Heretical Mistress Magic. The origins of the Arcane Anchors, its creators, have been known to aid Magic, or have been fooled into creating something that does - This includes the known Scholar Lana Wake. And through their creation, it empowers her in some manner, as confirmed by our patron, The Grey Lady.

Without the Anchors, we request practicing controlled uses of Arcane magic and spreading ones influence of it, in order to not afflict the Veil. Condensing and continuous pressure of spells within one area will harm it. An orderly use of magic in various locations may retain the Veil's integrity, while still allowing the existence of magic in harmony of the World's balance.

-Gestalts: We encourage seeking a member in order to see the importance of a gestalt and if it is necessary or unnecessary. The power involved effects the Veil.
-Rituals: We discourage the methods of dark rituals in order seek out higher beings for power. We will take action if done in the name of worship or destruction.

In order to heal the Veil, we must manage the source of its thinning. It begins through the people.

With news of the coming elections in Storm's Landing, Ashna Kov'Gra'Sek seeks the man Amund Khrarstein to explain himself in a public outing, or during a debate gathering.
As a known Vyre, She asks for him to explain to the people of his Siring of the Jishrimite Exalted Bok'ra, known to be a murderer and chaotic torturer of the people.
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Bored Brit
If answers regarding blood are sought, seek not the sons and daughters- but instead seek their father whose will is made manifest through them.

It was not the will of Amund, but rather the mistaken loyalty of Khroroth Khrarstein to his own sire, Melzar. With the death of the wretched Butcher and the Mad God’s Exalt the Khrarstein line seeks to cleanse itself in service of the people.

Finally free from the oppression of overbearing sires, allow us our freedom to prove ourselves.


object oriented
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Retired Owner
If answers regarding blood are sought, seek not the sons and daughters- but instead seek their father whose will is made manifest through them.

It was not the will of Amund, but rather the mistaken loyalty of Khroroth Khrarstein to his own sire, Melzar. With the death of the wretched Butcher and the Mad God’s Exalt the Khrarstein line seeks to cleanse itself in service of the people.

Finally free from the oppression of overbearing sires, allow us our freedom to prove ourselves.

Words whisper that if Khroroth Khrarstein speaks truth of this cleansing, then he may seek a meeting with Ashna Kov'Gra'Sek.


object oriented
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Retired Owner
*There is second poster posted upon the Storm's Landing board. And a copy can be made for any regional area that wishes to advertise this.*

Qualms of the Lich have spread in forms of defiling effigies.
They raise the dead in mindless hungry forms, defiling those of fellow citizens, family and strangers.
Send word to the Ministry if you have located one, have located one, or worry if one is near your village and wish it dismantled.
+Another is posted


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
With news of the coming elections in Storm's Landing, Ashna Kov'Gra'Sek seeks the man Amund Khrarstein to explain himself in a public outing, or during a debate gathering.
As a known Vyre, She asks for him to explain to the people of his Siring of the Jishrimite Exalted Bok'ra, known to be a murderer and chaotic torturer of the people.
The first poster is removed and rumors mention of this being 'somewhat' resolved upon a stalemate in the Courthouse, a difference in opinion of how to handle Jishrimites. However, a meeting with Khroroth Khrarstein still awaits. Information of Melzar or the Red Court is welcome to be sent to the Ministry or Linlea.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
The first poster is removed and rumors mention of this being 'somewhat' resolved upon a stalemate in the Courthouse, a difference in opinion of how to handle Jishrimites. However, a meeting with Khroroth Khrarstein still awaits. Information of Melzar or the Red Court is welcome to be sent to the Ministry or Linlea.
(Summon Melzar from a shrine and ask him yourself :eyes: I dare you)


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
The Ministry of the Grey Lady will not recognize Branko Callas or the Skraagites holding full reign of the swamplands of our Continent to carry on misdeeds of necromancy. These lands are at the center of outter trade where innocents move resources, and is within the territory of the Hakiaz Clan whom we recognize as ruling parts of its territory. The Ministry continues to stand against the Skraagites that have nettled their way to the Continent and remain steadfast against those that threaten the Veil between souls. Any attempt to join them or aid them is never recommended. If you are threatened or are frightened, contact a Ministry member in order to find protection or aid.
+New poster set up