Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The curious Elf..


Name: Will Goodman
Nickname/Alias: Will
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Unknown...Possibly an Elf..
Height: 5'4
Weight: 6 stone
Hair: Never seen by anyone but his Instructor who's name is unknown..
Eyes: black, so dark you might even say there were black holes waiting to absorb your very soul..
Skin: No one can really tell, he moves fast and is never seen..
Identifying Marks: Noone can tell nore see him, he is always concealed by his cloak..
Appearance: Always in a greenish cloak with a hood and face wraps..only enough to see his eyes..
Strengths: Night, darkness, archery, sneaky, stalks his prey..
Weaknesses and fears: weakness- Sunlight, Fear- Fire.
Religion and cults: His religion is one, someone may call..Un-earthly? He worships a eqyption god named TaliosVonHyker II. He makes sacrifices from victims known as humans, he takes them away unseen, and unheard, no one ever knows that his victims have gone missing..
Profession: Archery.
Backstory: Will was born in a small village, North of Altera. His mother died when he was 4, and he lived with his dad all his life. They soon came to Altera when he was 15.
His dad soon after died from a bad accident at Uthrandir, (his father was a mage).
He was than taken by a foster home, but did not wan't to live there; So he ran away
living in the forest, alone. when he was 17, he was encountered by a man, this man's name
was unknown. This man asked "I've watched you for quite some time now, would you like to join me, and learn the ways of night?". Will had no choice really, he wanted to investigate
what had happend at Uthrandir some years ago with his father. One year later, Will has become an apprentice, he was swift, nimble, and quick. He was appearing to be just a simple man named "Keith Goodman", that was just a cover up, so no one really knew who he was.
If the headmaster of Uthrandir found out who Will was, His curiousity would be never satisfied, because he knew that the headmaster would always be on his toe's. He than soon broke into Uthrandir, searched high and low for clues about his fathers death, sneaking past guards and leaving harmless, but unwanted traps to stagger them. Will will soon find out his fathers death...
I wanted to change the name but, couldn't :/ i guess i should have made the title last huh?