Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Crimson Crusade: A Series Of Roleplay Fantasy Characters


Hollows Explorer
This will be the official thread for The Crimson Crusade, a series of fantasy projects available exclusively to Hollowworld. It will contain things such as downloadable fantasy adventure maps, various buildings (castles, cathedrals, ect.), and skins and accsessories for all the core races of Altera, as well as other fantasy creatures. (Fairies, Daemons, Goblins, Orcs, Gnomes, So on and do fourth.) I have not yet created any of these, but will post links as they become available.

To Get Skins And Accsessories:
1.Go to
2.Type TheCrimsonCrusade in the search skins bar.
3. Choose your skin or accsessorie(s), and apply them.

To Get Projects:
1.Go to
2.Type in: TheCrimsonCrusade
3.Set filter to projects
4.Download the world save, structure should be within 100 blocks of initial spawn.

I will try to do one skin or project every day or two. To request custom skins, apply here. Here's a format:

Character Name:


Skin Color:

Eye Color:

Hair Color:


Identifying Marks:


I may not be able to do all of the requests straight away, but I will try. Let the crusade begin.