Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Rumor The Call to Empire


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff

The Fuvurian Empire expands, and with it expands a need for more administrators, soldiers, servants, and competent governors.

Through no lack of trying, one man and one court cannot rule a land so vast. In light of this, House Fuvur is officially opening its doors to any and all who seek to prove their mettle. Admissions is not guaranteed, but standards both for citizenship and government office are being substantially lowered in order to accomodate for the need for capable servants of the empire.

There are positions available for guards, soldiers, stewards, administrators, servants, merchantmen, lawyers, judges, so on and so forth down to people to shovel up horse poop from the city streets.

The following are all people you can message to arrange a roleplay with to seek citizenship and a position in the regime:
Elz (Trystan), Rossu (Arianne), Fronslin (Fronslin), Niko (Nikolche), and Squidziod (Josef).


Events Staff
Very Sweet
yes our houses are IC RENT no OOC RENT come live in Sanardu ok.
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Lord of Altera
wouldn't it be fun to mozy on in as Sybbyl, lol. [Im pretty sure she should be dead by now but, its a fun thought]