Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Storm's Landing Guard Missive, 8th of Springrise


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
Art by Magic Intern


The Storm's Landing Guard Releases a missive.

The murderer and defiler of the dead known as Branko has been sent away from Storm's Landing to an arbitrary location off the coasts and is hereby banished from entering Storm's Landing. He is noted by a dark, hollow eye, white hair, and elderly appearance and stands over 6 feet tall with white stubble. If seen in the Landing, keep distance and find a guard if available before engaging. Do not allow he touch you in any capacity.

Any sightings or affiliations are encouraged to be brought to the guard, and word is encouraged to be spread to others in any location he is spotted within. Should he commit crimes on foreign grounds, the Landing Guard would appreciate this information being made known to them. Should he be tried on Storm's Landing grounds, he will be laid before the divine judgement by the Grey Lady.

Lieutenant Bennett, Storm's Landing Guard​