Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Star - The White Wolf


Chairman of the Procrastination Committee

General Information:

Name: Unknown
Nicknames: Star, The White Wolf

Age: Looks to be anywhere between 17 and 21, but could potentially be older or younger. She doesn't know her own age.
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Current Residence: Nowhere
Relationship Status:

Lucus, the brave, romantic warrior, helped to heal her heart some time ago. They drew close for a time, but now it seems they drift slowly apart.

Social Status: To some, she is good-hearted and heroic. To others, naive and puppy-like but likeable. To others still, an annoyance.

Physical Appearance:

Height: 5 foot 4
Weight: 125lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Relatively pale. Not snow-white levels, though.
Shape of Face: Angled oval
Distinguishing Features: Big blue eyes
Build of Body: Athletically fit and toned curves
Hair Color: A light blonde
Hair Style: Varies between shoulder-length and just above the shoulders. Wavy and begins to curl at the end if she lets it grow long. Often times, a lock will fall across one of her eyes.
Complexion: Youthful and smooth, but not without the scars than any warrior has.
Posture: Not slumped, but not exactly regal either
Is Seen By Others As: Can come across just a dumb (but good-hearted), babbling, inexperienced child. People who have seen her fight, however, tend to respect her a little more.

A cut from her left collarbone down to the centre of her chest.

A healed wound from an arrow on the back of her lower right thigh




Likes: Cute animals (especially dogs), travelling, combat
Dislikes: Bullies, death, killing people,
Exceptional combat ability
Can run really really really fast
Caring for others
Drive to do the right thing, no matter what the cost to herself might be

Can be naive. Has a very black/white sense of justice.
Can trust others too easily.
Drive to do the right thing, no matter what the cost to herself might be

That one day her overconfidence and anger might lead her to take someone's life in battle without thinking.
Whoever she used to be in her past life.
Maceo, Arianne, and the rest of the fire brigade. Duke Westmay and his wife.
Losing the people she cares about. Probably to the fire brigade. Or to Duke Westmay and his wife.


Education: None that she can remember, but she is able to speak, read, and write common. She can wield a sword and shield with great skill despite not remembering any training.

Languages: Common only.

General Attitude: Hopeful and optimistic. Will first believe people to be good before anything else. Wants to do anything she can to help others.

Religious Inclination: Learning more about religion as time passes. She accepts the existence of the pantheon, but is hesitant to follow them or the divine law blindly. She has prayed occasionally, looking for answers. None came.

General Intelligence: Can come off as more naive than she actually is, due to her social presence; but is actually quite intelligent.

General Sociability: Very social and eager to make friends.

Short Term Goals:
To discuss Raven's issues with him.
To crush the opium gang in Storm's Landing.

Long Term Goals:
To use her combat abilities to help others, and to just help others in general.
To find out more about her past.
To prevent the creation of another Inquisition.
To join the Rangers.
To stop the war.


Art en route

Several bars of solid gold.


A hardened, leather suit of armour of purest white that has been recrafted time and time again. A golden symbol in the shape of a wolf's head is emblazoned on the chest-plate. It is sometimes called Wolfpelt.

A brown leather helmet.

A blue headscarf (this one is sort of a combination of a cloak hood and a long, tied scarf)

A simple, navy blue dress for formal occasions


Cloud, a white stallion. Purchased from a breeder.

Alexia, a golden labrador. Adopted from Camilla.

General Wealth:
Currently, she actually has a large amount of money due to the gold. But she's frugal with it.


Birthplace: Unknown

Childhood: Unknown

Teen Years: Unknown

Adulthood: Unknown

Family History: Unknown

Past Places of Residences: Spent a short time in a village to the south of Altera. Travelled north in search of information about her past.

Places Traveled: From the plains of the south, to the white peaks of the north.


Peaceful or violent: Peaceful, unless she believes violence necessary. She can erupt into a trance of fury when she is in combat. Still, she avoids killing at all costs.



An arming sword with the shape of a snarling wolf's head embossed into the hilt. Just like the armour, this blade has been reforged time and time again, going by a series of names such as Fang and The Wolfblade.

A bone-hilted dagger crafted by Jhaeros.

A steel heater shield with a wolf's head painted on the front in white.

Combat Training: She does not remember having any, but she is incredibly skilled with a sword and shield, and can handle herself in a fist fight too. She moves with great speed and elegance.

Other Trivia:

Occupation: As Warden Crow's Personal Guard; taking merc jobs.



Recently purged people I haven't rp-ed with for a while.

Relevant Family Members: Biological family unknown.

Carling - MelodyComplex - My adoptive mother. I have deep respect for her. Unfortunately, I haven't seen her in a while, and I feel guilt for it - I am always travelling.
Garret - N/A - Little brother. I haven't seen him for a long time, but when I do, I'd like to teach him some things.
Julianus - Sir_Arc - Carling's husband - a good, simple man who once saved my life. I owe it to him to get to know him better.
Cassia - N/A - Carling's little girl. She's in capable hands.

Romantic Interests:

As time has passed, her previous lovers have faded away.

Ayda - Asirel Luik - I don't know her hugely well, but what I do know, I really like. I respect her advice greatly.
Citrine - Samiwashere - I have not visited Her Majesty in a while. I hope she still holds me in good light.
Warden Crow - Electric - A seemingly levelheaded man who I believe has a good heart. I do wish he wouldn't restrict me so much, though, and he is certainly quiet about his past.
Jhae - Rang3r0wns94 - A friend I know I can count on, and a talented smith. Sometimes he seems a little naive; unaware of the catastrophes that fall around him - but maybe this world needs people like that.
Kit - French Roast - She can be terse, and as equally annoyingly stubborn in her views as I am, but she has a heart of gold.


Kopii - Omikuji - He's sweet, and talented with magic. I'd like to get to know him better.
Leo - Shankster - Kitrana's beau. Guarded and hard to read; but he's certainly a skilled scientist.



Star's Theme

The Call of the Mountains (that title suits this enough already)

Mirriam Westwood
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Chairman of the Procrastination Committee
oh good lawd the arrangement of this is terrible - will fix this at some point i swear

Art by other people:

chibone.png Hella cute chibi by ForestRose

starlookingcommish.png Two wicked pieces by Samiwashere . Both great poses.

UhMWOOq.png Render in the Sims 4 character creator by Solar

White.png An interesting re-design of her armour by MRPolo13 . I love the style of the wolf's head on the chest plate.

Windy hair is cool. Good portraits are cool. Thankee for both, Kamaoe
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Hey! Ive noticed self repairing properties on your items listed as armor and weapons. It sounds a lot like mending, which is an MC enchant. I know we have a clause stating we dont keep MC mechanics from players, but we still like to keep tabs on things like alchemy/enhanting/redstone, etc. Could you potentially let us know how you came across/obtained your items? You're not at fault here as this sounds like a misunderstanding, honestly, but if youre more comfortable bringing it into a private discussion with staff, you've the freedom to do so. We'd just like to help players further understand our lore.



Chairman of the Procrastination Committee
Hey! Ive noticed self repairing properties on your items listed as armor and weapons. It sounds a lot like mending, which is an MC enchant. I know we have a clause stating we dont keep MC mechanics from players, but we still like to keep tabs on things like alchemy/enhanting/redstone, etc. Could you potentially let us know how you came across/obtained your items? You're not at fault here as this sounds like a misunderstanding, honestly, but if youre more comfortable bringing it into a private discussion with staff, you've the freedom to do so. We'd just like to help players further understand our lore.

Of course, that's not a problem at all.

I already had a short discussion with the lore team, in which I was told that things that could be considered MC enchantments being fair game - but I'll PM you about the background. Only reason I won't do it here is just because of roleplay reasons. :)


Lord of Altera
Just noting- I see you've added the heater shield onto your profile! Sadly it's not complete yet! And Good'ol Thordil still has to smith it, sorry ! :~: (Just tryin' to keep you out of trouble! )


Chairman of the Procrastination Committee
Just noting- I see you've added the heater shield onto your profile! Sadly it's not complete yet! And Good'ol Thordil still has to smith it, sorry ! :~: (Just tryin' to keep you out of trouble! )
Oh right, I thought it was an assumed thing, sorry. No worries, I'll fix that now :)