Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Short Stories II: Write More!


Adorable according to Michcat
The original Short Stories Thread got swallowed up, so I'm going to recreate it with one major and vital alteration. Those who are not here to write can voice their opinions, and those who know what they're talking about can offer helpful advice, like "The floor here will kill you. Try to avoid it." I mean... You know what I'm getting at. (I hate you GLaDOS.) Anyway, I cannot stress the alteration enough because I never got much help, and it would've really helped with my first book. By the way, my first novel will be about Altera.

I am putting the thread here because writing is just as much an art form as drawing, painting, or sculpting. The medium is the word, and the keyboard is the brush. Now paint pictures in your readers' minds! Pull them into the fictive dream you create and don't let them out until your tale ends!


Lord of Altera
I may have something written somewhere, it'll be up within the next couple of days.