Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Poster [ Servitude of Craftmanship ]


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
~ { ! } ~

Posters are put up, following the destruction of Candlewood, after being attacked by the Ivory King...

I am Kaar. I am an Immortal Construct, beholden to my single two tasks, to destroy the demonkind and to serve humanity.
I am not a warrior, and so I cannot do this myself. However, I am alike my brethren, among the best artisans you will /ever/
find upon this continent.

My previous place of work and harmony was disrupted and destroyed, in the inability of my previous masters, to deflect an attack of demons. Thus,
I offer you my eternal allegiance, to provide for your every need in armour, weapons and gemcutting. In a masterful degree.

I will accept your payment of at least 150 000 radiants for every year I serve under you and a place for me where I will find all the tools and materials to work with, and a shelter
where I may remain in safety. In return for the aforementioned skills and servitude in my eternal immortality.

This is a poster for Kaar officially moving places from Candlewood after its attack.
Though all new things can be negotiated ICly, here's a few details for you to know.
Kaar will crank out a masterwork every 35 OOC days.
This includes weapons, armor and (very soon) gemcutting.​
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