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Sanguinem Inquisitorem


Sanguinem Inquisitorem

No information on this thread is public knowledge.
The hand of the Red Society, the "Sanguine Inquisitorem", or the "Sanguine Inquisition", is a small circle of vyres tasked with enforcing the Vyre Accords. The Inquisition also acts as the general power of force in the Red Society, acting in the interest of its preservation in times of danger or war. Furthermore, there is an unspoken culture of purpose within the inquisition; to strive for prestige, and purity, within their blood and the blood of all other vyres. Inquisitors swear no oath to their cause, and are chosen by the Grand Inquisitor to join their purpose based on their compliance to the accords, and their martial ability. The Grand Inquisitor is the sole leader of the inquisition, and acts as the giver of orders on behalf of the Red Society's Elder Council. There is no system of positions beyond the Grand Inquisitor.
Only those of clan Azarin are considered for the organization. Upon joining, a rudimentary set of rules is agreed upon.

The inquisition officiate the vyre accords; to disobey the Grand Inquisitor is akin to disobeying your progenitor, thus breaking the accords.


No inquisitor is to take an order on behalf of the inquisition. The Grand Inquisitor is given orders directly from the Elder Council.
To act on behalf of the inquisition on orders not given by the Grand Inquisitor is to disavow the Inquisition, and thus, disavowing the accords.

There shall be no vyre within the inquisition that is either progenitor or progeny to a preexisting inquisitor. To lie about this is to disobey the Grand Inquisitor, thus breaking the accords.

Inaction against violators of the accords on any principle is subject to punishment, as seen fit by the Grand Inquisitor, at the behest of the Elder Council.

No action shall be taken against a mortal or vyre unless it aligns with their rights as an inquisitor. Any action otherwise is to be approved by the Grand Inquisitor.

As long as the rules are adhered to, any inquisitor has the right to pursue justice against perpetrators of the first, third, and fifth laws of the Vyre Accords, but only if the act is witnessed with full objectivity. Until then, Inquisitors act as sentinels to the Vyre Accord, always observant of those who might break it.

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