Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Runescape HollowClan!


Lord of Altera
Listen, here's how the idiotic clan founding system works.

A) You must have four people signed onto the charter, requiring five people total.
B) Each of these must be in the Clan Camp until founding and also
C) stay logged in.

And if I wanted to make it longer I could go on. So you see, this Sony some type in the clan name and be don't sorta scenario. It's a terriably elongated process that is not at all helped b my chat glitch.


Lord of Altera
I can try to get online in some amount of time :3
I'll probably make a new account though.


Lord of Altera
Ok... I think I got it and my name is Teaohem...
Is there anyone who can get on right now?


Lord of Altera
Are you still making the clan? Cause I havn't played this game in ages so my clan in abandoned but if you want I could start it up and add everyone from here on to it, I think all my original friends quit but I'll just kick any stragglers and we can be a purely HW clan.. the name is Freedom Fighters if you guys are all ok with that? Oh and I'll have to get back into everything, with RS3 and all it may confuse me a bit.


Lord of Altera
Okay. Friday. Four a clock (PM, EST). Clan Camp. World 41.

Be. There. Or else I will sell you to orcish slavers.


Lord of Altera
That's 7 am for me and I dont usually get up early on weekends :p
I might be on by at least EST 7:00PM