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Revival Requests


Lord of Altera
Character Name: Sydri Ulamyar
Time since Death: 10 minutes ago
Cause of Death: Stake to the heart
Condition of Corpse: Stake wound
Location of Corpse: Groi'bel Evar
One Piece of Memory to Forget: Eimar Ursae and Ballard Major, everything about them.
Have they died recently?: No
Revenant?: No

Status: Revived free of the Vyre curse, but without any memory of Eimar Ursae or Ballard Major. Refer to This Page for [Neutral] effects.
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Loyal Servant of Altera
Character Name: Jake Silvershield
Time since Death: 29/1/20
Cause of Death: Stabbed through the chest and then staked after.
Condition of Corpse: Should be in good condition
Location of Corpse: Queenstport
One Piece of Memory to Forget: When he was captured then killed by Sigmund.
Have they died recently?: No
Revenant?: no

edit: One piece of memory to forget: When he had helped the cult massacre the Elves at Nidarnach (I cant remember how to spell it).

Status: Revived with no memory of his hand in helping the cult massacre elves, and as tainted. Refer to This Page for effects.
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Character Name : Heseya White.
Time Of Death : Five minutes ago.
Cause Of Death : Suicide (Stab Wound To The Heart).
Condition Of Corpse : Withered, bone structure becoming more apparent due to the hunger/lack of blood she received during her imprisonment. Dry lipped, black bags underneath the eye - as well as the wound to her heart.
Location Of Corpse : Blackrush Crossing
One Piece Of Memory To Forget : The taking of her own life.
Have They Died Recently? : No.
Revenant? : No.

Status: The sisters feel the pull of a soul, making ready to revive.
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Hollows Explorer
Character Name: Ylva Grey
Time since Death: 10 minutes
Cause of Death: Head smashed by Warhammer
Condition of Corpse: Few broken ribs, the left wrist is broken, the skull has a hole from Warhammer and the right wrist is slit, and staked. (Her Horn was removed post mortem)
Location of Corpse: Outskirts of Storms Landing
One Piece of Memory to Forget: Turning Sydri and taking her blood
Have they died recently?: No
Revenant?: No

Status: Revived without vyrism, or the memory of turning Sydri and taking her blood as tainted. Refer to This Page for effects.
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Lord of Altera
Character Name: Raven Hiraeth
Time since Death: 10 minutes ago
Cause of Death: Staked by Ventare Seymour
Condition of Corpse: Open wound to the chest, due to the stake
Location of Corpse: Halbed
One Piece of Memory to Forget: The trauma of losing her hair and going bald
Have they died recently?: No
Revenant?: No

Status: Revived neutral without vyrism, or the memory of losing her hair and going bald. Refer to This Page for effects.
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Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Character Name: Bok'ra Bwabo
Time since Death:
About 5 minutes or more.
Cause of Death: In the result of on going combat, where he was thought to have been the murderer of another at the same scene.
Condition of Corpse: Staked, twice. Cut deeply in collarbone, into his subclavian artery
Location of Corpse: Grey lady Temple/Crypt of Halbed.
One Piece of Memory to Forget: Maryann Alberg
Have they died recently?:
Revenant?: No.

Status: Revived as tainted with no memory of Maryann Alberg. Refer to This Page for effects.
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Bring back angry react
Character Name: Bok'ra Bwabo
Time since Death:
About 5 minutes or more.
Cause of Death: In the result of on going combat, where he was thought to have been the murderer of another at the same scene.
Condition of Corpse: Staked, twice. Cut deeply in collarbone, into his subclavian artery
Location of Corpse: Shalherana temple of Halbed.
One Piece of Memory to Forget: Maryann Alberg
Have they died recently?:
Revenant?: No.
Grey lady temple*


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
(Sorry bout dragging this out so long, didn't really mean to be so overdramatic XD)

Character Name: Connor Hayden
Time since Death: Thursday ~1:30 (5 days ago)
Cause of Death: In hopes to stop a criminal who had attacked someone else, he attempted to engage in combat but his "ally" turned against him and the fight became a 2v1, overwhelming him. His fight was then finished after he got a warhammer to the neck, crushing his windpipe and killing him (cause y'know...breathing is kinda a requirement for living)
Condition of Corpse: The bones in his left forearm are shattered, and his windpipe/neck is broken.
Location of Corpse: Eldpoint
One Piece of Memory to Forget: Branko Callas.
Have they died recently?: No
Revenant?: Also No

Status: Revived as neutral with no memory of Branko Callas. Refer to This Page for effects.
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The Cartoon Witch

Lord of Altera
Character Name: Kyri Bluestone
Time since Death: A moment ago
Cause of Death: Stake to the heart
Condition of Corpse: Stake wound through the chest.
Location of Corpse: Sisterhood temple
One Piece of Memory to Forget: Kam and the Earthspawns.
Have they died recently?: No
Revenant?: Nope!

Status: Revived as neutral and no memory of Kam and the Earthspawn. Refer to This Page for effects.
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Loyal Servant of Altera
Character Name: Harwig von Vettweir.
Time since Death: 5 minutes from the time this post was put up.
Cause of Death: Stabbed through the neck with a halberd's spike.
Condition of Corpse: Burned, as per Ignis' 10th tenet.
Location of Corpse: Cemetery of Storm's Landing.
One Piece of Memory to Forget:
The fight. If that's not possible, then his interaction with Tylla and Anders the day before.
Have they died recently?: No.
Revenant?: No.

Status: Revived as neutral with no memory of his interaction with Tylla and Anders. Refer to This Page for effects.
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Loyal Servant of Altera
Character Name: Henry Longshanks
Time since Death: 5 minutes
Cause of Death: Having his femoral artery burned open while tied up on the floor
Condition of Corpse: Burned to ash on a soggy hillside
Location of Corpse: Linistel
One Piece of Memory to Forget: Henry's previous life as a sailor before arriving on the continent
Have they died recently?: No
Revenant?: No

Status: Revived as neutral with no memory of his previous life before coming to the continent. Refer to This Page for effects.
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don't sit on ladybugs
Lore Staff
Character Name: Garrett L. Herennius
Time since Death: 15-20 minutes ago
Cause of Death: Got eaten by a mountain
Condition of Corpse: Digested
Location of Corpse: Inside of a mountain
One Piece of Memory to Forget: Everything about chiseling.
Have they died recently?: nope
Revenant?: nope

Status: Revived as neutral and with no memory of chiseling. Refer to This Page for effects.
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Lord of Altera
Character Name: Mira Laranja
Time since Death:
3 Days
Cause of Death: Gobbled by mountainside mouth monster thing
Condition of Corpse: Digested, probably on the way out
Location of Corpse: As far as I know, still inside the mountain, though the creature is no longer there
One Piece of Memory to Forget: Cyrus Lavender
Have they died recently?: Nope
Revenant?: No

Status: Revived as neutral with no memory of Cyrus Lavender. Refer to This Page for effects.
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Bored Brit
Character Name: Uriel Valhart
Time since Death: Not long ago.
Cause of Death: Tragic jousting accident.
Condition of Corpse: Lance tip to the throat, reposed, otherwise whole.
Location of Corpse: Ynys Aeg.
One Piece of Memory to Forget: That he has started and nearly completed his work on Ynys Aeg. Ideally, he would be at the point where he wanted to build his temple for Valiant but hasn't began work.
Have they died recently?: Not for a while.

Status: Revived as neutral with no memory of his work on Ynys Aeg. Refer to This Page for effects.
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Lord of Altera
Character Name: Charles Roberts
Time since Death:
30 or so minutes ago
Cause of Death: Throat bit open and neck broken by a wendigo
Condition of Corpse: mutilated and cannibalized
Location of Corpse: Main room in nid arch
One Piece of Memory to Forget: The memory of a random man hitting on him at the tavern
Have they died recently?: First death so far
Revenant?: No

Status: Revived as neutral with no memory of a random man hitting on him at the tavern. Refer to This Page for effects.
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don't sit on ladybugs
Lore Staff
Character Name: Garrett L. Herennius
Time since Death: Uhh, an hour ish?
Cause of Death: He climbed a buttress. Then fell off-- 50 ft.
Condition of Corpse: Pretty battered, broken bones, the like. Tended to.
Location of Corpse: In the Linistel hospital
One Piece of Memory to Forget: Marceau
Have they died recently?: Not recently enough to matter babey
Revenant?: nope
(its 12:40 am please bear with me.)

Status: Revived as neutral with no memory of Marceau. Refer to This Page for effects.
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friendly neighborhood inquisitor
Retired Staff
Character Name: Pod Flanders
Time since Death: Roughly 24 Hours
Cause of Death: A rather harsh headbutt to the Figment Karma, putting a spike through his head in order to prevent the Figment from torching Blackrush Crossing.
Condition of Corpse: In near perfect condition, the wound that killed him was healed over, but he stayed dead.
Location of Corpse: Either Blackrush or Haven I think ( Philipe )
One Piece of Memory to Forget: The visions of Synnove's realm that was shown to him while Ignis possessed him to speak with Know during the Unhinged Campaign.
Have they died recently?: Nope.
Revenant?: Nope.

Status: Revived as neutral with no memory of the visions of Synnove's realm that was shown to him while Ignis possessed him to speak with Know during the Unhinged Campaign. Refer to This Page for effects.
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We demons of our solemn hour
Character Name: Gerard McIvy
Time since Death: Just now
Cause of Death: Impaled by five separate stakes, then bloodloss, then infection probably took him before rescue came.
Condition of Corpse: Probably a bit cold, starting to rot when found. Likely smelly. Five holes in it.
Location of Corpse: The Cyclops' Isle, whatever it is cold
One Piece of Memory to Forget:
- All conversations with Elizabeth Kane before his lessons
- His involvement and knowledge of all the world-threatening events
Have they died recently?: Nope.
Revenant?: Nope.

Status: Revived as neutral with memory of all his conversations with Elizabeth Kane before his lessons and all memory of his involvement and knowledge of all the world-threatening events forgotten. Refer to This Thread for details.
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Legend of Altera
Character Name: Jin Elsattir
Time since Death: 45min or so
Cause of Death: Took a wooden stake to the abdomen as shrapnel in an explosion and died hours later from an infection.
Condition of Corpse: Still wounded, mostly intact but probably a bit gross.
Location of Corpse: The same island as Gerry, to be brought to the Sisterhood via boat.
One Piece of Memory to Forget: His involvement with Melzar and the gluttony bloodline, and thus, how Kadhab became what he is.
Have they died recently?: No
Revenant?: No

Status: Revived as neutral with all memory of His involvement with Melzar and the gluttony bloodline, and thus, how Kadhab became what he is forgotten. Refer to This Thread for details.
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Lord of Altera
Character Name: Tylla Goraya
Time since Death: Five seconds ago
Cause of Death: Sword to the neck, by Branko in honorable combat.
Condition of Corpse: Fine, drained of blood, with a neck wound, but fine other than that?
Location of Corpse: The Lost Frontier, near Karn's house
One Piece of Memory to Forget: Her good horse-farmer pal Jorvun :( GhostKairo123
Have they died recently?: No
Revenant?: No

Status: Revived as neutral with no memory of Jorvun. Refer to This Page for effects.
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