Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased [Revenant] Saint John du Beaumont 'The Last'


Lord of Altera

Character Chart

Character’s full name:

"The Pious" Saint Knight-Commander John du Beaumont-Lavoyarde, Harateth's Last.
Character’s nickname: John, Order-guy, Blind guy, Old man.
Reason for nickname: Diminutive.
Titles: The Pious, The Biased, Duke, Prince, Knight-Commander.

Birth date:
Languages: Common, Lavish, Old (Ancient) Arcturian.
Race: Human.

Physical appearance
Age: Few thousand
How old does he/she appear: 70
Weight: 180lbs
Height: 6'2
Body build: Mesomorph.
Shape of face: Heart Shaped.
Eye color: Beaumont Teal. Clouded by cataracts.
Skin tone: Pale.
Clothes: Large suit of ornate armour, leather gloves and boots, wearing an Old Black tabard with a yellow cross. If not wearing his helmet, he is wearing a black scarf covering his mouth and lower nose.
John has dropped his old Order attire for safe-keeping, he now dons a healthy nobleman's tunic, with the Beaumontean classic purple and gold.
Hair color: Black. Grey.
Type of hair: Medium length, heavy.
Voice: [DoW Commisar]
Overall attractiveness: Medium.

Good personality traits: Loyalty, Respect, Resilience, Duty, Dedication, Trust, Courtesy, Courage, Leadership, Faithfulness, Self-Control, Common Sense, Methodical, Upright.
Bad personality traits: Stubborn, Obsessive, Cold, Patronizing, Difficult.

Current location: Storm's Landing.
Religion: Orthodox, Harateth.
Color: Gold.
Least favorite color: Blue.
Food: Steak.
Literature: Novels.
Smokes: No.
Drinks: He'd need a lot of convincing.
Usual body posture: Straight and Rigid.
Optimist or pessimist? Optimist.
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert.
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil.
Logical or emotional? Logical.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and Neat.
Prefers working or relaxing? Working.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident.
Animal lover? I suppose.


Total length: 49in- 1.24m
Individual Double-edged blade length: 40in - 1.06m
Blade Width: 1.9in- 4.82cm
Weight: 5lbs

Total Length: 52in- 1.32m
Individual blade length: 45in- 1.12m
Blade Width: 1.2in- 3.04cm
Weight: 4.5lbs

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