Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Public Notice] Resignation of Duties


Bored Brit
Resignation of Uriel Valhart

I have worked for the Storm's Guard since I was sixteen years old.
I had intended, upon achieving the Exalted position in my Father's
graces, to step down after a worthy successor was found. As of now
no such Guard exists, but I have made it my intent to hire more and
ensure the city has its defenders. So, I am to step down as the Captain
of the Storm's Guard. My intent is to remain as a Guard, to ensure the
current Guard has the support required to act until its new Captain is

To the people of the Landing, I offer my apologies for the times that I
have not acted to the standards that were hoped for. I thank you all for
compliance to the law. I will not abandon you.
To those who seek to take advantage of my resignation, reconsider it.
I will still be here. I was born in this city, I love this city- I have every
intent on protecting this city, Captain or not.
To my successor, I wish you all the luck in the world and I will always
be willing to offer any advice or guidance should it be asked for. I am
never far away.

With that, I believe my time with the Guard has ended. I shall take my
time to watch my daughter grow and marry my fiancé. Live safe and
remain vigilant, Storm's Landing.

Uriel Valhart