Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Private] Ombranari Opening Event


Lord of Altera
"You have been cordially invited to a dinner at Brume Manor, upon the enclosed date, to meet with like-minded individuals and fellow members of the family. Come bearing identification, and a fiery spirit for success. Best wishes, The Maestro Sovrano di Ombranari"


This is the opening event for a private fellowship of like-minded individuals akin to The Freemasons in spirit; We're looking to work toward the betterment of character and community through united roleplay effort!


When: TBA.
Where: Brume Manor, in Mockingbay.
Status: Moderate.​
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professionally deranged
Retired Staff
i'm pretty sure the list is kept out on purpose

this doesnt really seem like the most public organization if you understand me my dude
Alright, I thought there would be some clarification if the invited people have been PMed, or if it's IC delivery letters.