Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Upcoming [??? - Postponed] [Private] Cordially Invited: A Party!


Bird, Knows What's Good
Retired Staff
*This invitation is scrawled onto a piece of parchment as neatly as possible..*

Dearest friends, and family!
Aspen Telfarn and Yrsr Ashryver cordially invite you to join us at Grafjell's market square to enjoy a small party in celebration of Yrsr's sixth birthday. Enjoy food and drink during the celebration; with coffee, tea, and honey cake to finish.

Gifts are welcome, but not required. We hope you are able to join us!

*Invitations would be handed out / delivered to the following*
Ater Impes - zXzMAGIIKzXz
Eltsir Alcantra - Eltsir
Elwyn - Charybdis
Malek Tarren - CaptnBluebeard
Jaden Seeker - CloakedReaper
Evelyn Fuvur - Lannis
Russel Snedd "Snerus" Castor - Snerus
Ashna Khovr - solus
Grey - Estes241
Olive - Smurf
Sauran Khovr - Hogo-Sha Kitsune
Azariah - Asirel Luik
Thryss Vendolyn - Aspen (In case I feel like being stupid.)
Ava Gray - Joseph12Q
Isabell Goodman - Ruulu
Wulf - BoredBrit
Syrillian - @WhoeverYourDriverIsI'mSorry
Elros Taradhiel - Horuss
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Lord of Altera
Oh yes the child does the cordial inviting of people..
"Hai, want to come to mah parteh? Will have cake an bananas!"
Also not sure if I will remember about the party.. I am concerned I will miss my own birthday bash with all the lack of sleep I'm getting ;~;

Oh, and I think Syrillian is Lirakitty
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The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
Holy shit I got an invite. XD wut?


Lord of Altera
I'm offended that Victor is not on the guest list... We have such a close friendship...