Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

[Poster] Masterful commission for purchase.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff

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Posters are pinned to Storm's Landing, Candlewood, Eldpoint, Drakenport and many, many more cities.

I am Kaar. You may know me as Clockworks.
I am masterful in the art of metallurgy, specifically in the creation of metallic armour.
I cannot use my own crafts and thus they all go towards you, the mortals, in my service to you.
However, to continue my service I need a stream of commerce. It is thus that I will also begin to bestow
masterful works of metal armour. The finest, the sharpest and most resilient of all my crafts.
Whether of Viridescent or Machanite or something else, I will create it to fit just for you, within a settled price.
I reside in Candlewood. Please send a courier or travel there yourself to discuss with me.
~ Exercise perseverance ~​
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