Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Poster] Heaven Reach - Spectre


The rosiest of forests.
Note: This poster would be in Common and only Common for now.
To find more information OOC about the event and exploring Heaven's Reach please check this link. A date will be decided soon but if you have any preferences on times and really do wish to come, let me or Kvothe know on either thread. Please tag me so I can help arrange it.

This poster is written due to the events that took place at Heaven's Reach.

During the scheduled event in the area a black life like silhouette appeared. It stayed but a moment before vanishing again. Due to this I and the Council of Hierax would like to push forward in exploring the area of the Kingdom of Hierax for the stones.
Before the following date if you wish to attend the exploration please notify me, Bjorn Gosforth. I should be around the Crossroads if needed until then.
The party will travel by horse, as far as that is possible.

The date will be assigned later. I will come back and scribble it on!
