Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished [Peaceful, Private] Marriage of Veriswen Hun'rahel and Voreel Kar

French Roast

Lord of Altera
I know this is late shhhh

You are invited to the marriage of Veriswen Hun'rahel and Voreel Kar.
The festivities and ceremony will be held at the event grounds just outside of Mockingbay.
Following the ceremony will be a feast with music and dancing.
The occasion has a 'night' theme.
This is a peaceful occasion, as such weaponry is not welcome.

When: December 10th, at about 3:30 pm EST (may change slightly as the event grows near)

Where: The event grounds. Go out the northern gate of Mockingbay and travel east down the road a short distance and it is visible off to the right.

Priest: Linden Duskgrove (RagingLunacy )

Invite List:
Tavia and Fenric (Samiwashere Colonelgames )
Fronslin (Fronslin )
Jerr'co (The Tottot )
Carling and Julianus (MelodyComplex Sir_Arc )

People I'm stealing as guards:
Connor (Baron2537 )
Fania (Jazzper )

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Sir Arc

Lord of Altera
Oh dang it seems like I won't be able to make this, have fun guys getting married and all