Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Organization] Ruby Isle Academy


Loyal Servant of Altera
IGN: Euaerin
Character Name: Ithil Xantrani
Character Age: 19 in human years.
Past experience?: She used to work as a herbalist for her mother and wants to become better at what she loves to do and help people.
Do you wash your hands: Yes
Political Affiliation: None so far
What position do you seek?: Training in Herbalism and Medicine, with added training to become a better Healer.
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Dark Council Elite
IGN: Euaerin
Character Name: Ithil Xantrani
Character Age: 190 (19 in human years)
Past experience?: She used to work as a herbalist for her mother and wants to become better at what she loves to do and help people.
Do you wash your hands: Yes
Political Affiliation: None so far
What position do you seek?: Training in Herbalism and Medicine, with added training to become a better Healer.
190 years is 1. Absolutely not 19 in human years and 2. Towards the tail end of the elven lifespan. Just as a heads up!


Lord of Altera
IGN: TheNerdatron
Character name: Merdon Samrit
Character Age: 19
Do you wash your hands?: If there is a faucet, sure.
Past Experience: Merdon has survived for a short time in the wilderness, so he has a small prowess in Herbology But otherwise he is completely oblivious to the other skills taught
Political Affiliation: Hasn't associated himself with others very much, very neutral
What position do you seek: I seek to be a student. I wish to learn as many subjects as I can, so I will stick to Herbology, Medicine, Emergency, and Alchemy, that is I can do that many.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my application, I hope to hear from you soon!


Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
New section:
History has opened up courses, starting with Dwarven history


Lord of Altera
IGN: Chaosdragon240
Character Name: Emeric Ralotumal-Seymour
Character Age: 18
Past experience with doctor work: Cut open a wendigo and researched its corpse.
Do you wash your hands: "I do, but I do not believe it to help much in Sangria..."
Political Affiliation: Has familial ties, and has a previous association, to Sangria
What position do you seek?: Gotta be an apprentice to get dat knowledge


Bring back angry react
IGN: Chaosdragon240
Character Name: Emeric Ralotumal-Seymour
Character Age: 18
Past experience with doctor work: Cut open a wendigo and researched its corpse.
Do you wash your hands: "I do, but I do not believe it to help much in Sangria..."
Political Affiliation: Has familial ties, and has a previous association, to Sangria
What position do you seek?: Gotta be an apprentice to get dat knowledge
Come bunk with me bro


Lord of Altera
IGN: Jrk17
Character Name: Alistair Pyne
Character Age: 16
Past experience?: He's been taught a little about medicine, and was taught to read and write by his Father. He's also read a great number of books, but mostly spent that time reading poetry and learning songs, as his profession is as a bard/entertainer.
Do you wash your hands: "Indeed. I'd rather not get my lute dirty. Besides, I like when they're nice and clean."
Political Affiliation: Absolutely none
What position do you seek?: A student of the Elven language, Calligraphy, and possibly Medicine (Though he's not dead set on this.)

(Also, hi Cukie. Long time no see :D)


Legend of Altera
IGN: Erebus_Crafter
Character Name: Argyros Galanis
Character Age: 53
Past experience?: Argyros knows a little of humanoid anatomy and the appropriate creation and application of medicines, though there is still much to learn.
Do you wash your hands: Of course. He did pick at least that much up from doctors he learned anatomy and medicine from.
Political Affiliation: None, since the only nobles he ever held any allegiance to died twelve years ago.
What position do you seek?: He wishes to become a student to take the Emergency Care, Herbology, Surgery, Alchemy, courses, as well as finishing his education in Medicine and Anatomy.


Lord of Altera
IGN: Deathbeats
Character Name: Benjamin du Beaumont
Character Age: Late twenties
Past experience?: Had parts in campaigns against zombies in the old world and Marr. Lived through Lavoyard rise and fall, and Anhald's. Experimented with some potions and wine brews. Have been a guard for Lavoyarde Inquisitorium and study along with the all female Inquisitors, and even more religious studies under exalt of Ignis. Some diplomatic expeditions against several factions and some other legionnaire campaigns while in Lavoyarde.
Do you wash your hands: Of course, if you're not clean you can get sick. When you're sick, you're not useful.
Political Affiliation: His own; a faction of he, himself, and him
What position do you seek?: Student in alchemy and Mathematics; if he can, teacher in Religion for Ignis, or the language of Lavoyard


Lord of Altera
IGN: Catena
Character Name: Posey Cyven
Character Age: 15
Past experience?: She has little experience in aiding the sick, but she is prepared to learn. All she's learned was to pour alcohol on a wound followed by a binding.
Do you wash your hands: Of course, whenever she is able.
Political Affiliation: None at the moment.
What position do you seek?: Student of Medicine, Herbology, and Anatomy and Physiology.


Loyal Servant of Altera
IGN: Lizardpatio
Character Name: Bet
Character Age: 20
Past experience?: None, I am very good at taking notes
Do you wash your hands: When I can, yes
Political Affiliation: None
What position do you seek?: Researcher/Teacher


Lord of Altera
IGN: Hollicynthea
Character Name: Bliss McGuffin
Character Age: 19
Past experience?: Some experience with herbs, especially edible ones, for cooking and baking related uses.
She has had some minor exposure to Alchemy.
Do you wash your hands: Hands are always kept clean.
Political Affiliation: None herself. (McGuffin Family?)
What position do you seek?: Student. Primarily Alchemy, Aditional Herbology and perhaps Medicine as secondary interests.


Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
IGN: Hollicynthea
Character Name: Bliss McGuffin
Character Age: 19
Past experience?: Some experience with herbs, especially edible ones, for cooking and baking related uses.
She has had some minor exposure to Alchemy.
Do you wash your hands: Hands are always kept clean.
Political Affiliation: None herself. (McGuffin Family?)
What position do you seek?: Student. Primarily Alchemy, Aditional Herbology and perhaps Medicine as secondary interests.
IGN: Lizardpatio
Character Name: Bet
Character Age: 20
Past experience?: None, I am very good at taking notes
Do you wash your hands: When I can, yes
Political Affiliation: None
What position do you seek?: Researcher/Teacher
IGN: Catena
Character Name: Posey Cyven
Character Age: 15
Past experience?: She has little experience in aiding the sick, but she is prepared to learn. All she's learned was to pour alcohol on a wound followed by a binding.
Do you wash your hands: Of course, whenever she is able.
Political Affiliation: None at the moment.
What position do you seek?: Student of Medicine, Herbology, and Anatomy and Physiology.
They've been seen, just haven't been able to update the thread. If you have me on Skype go ahead and poke me, And I'll add you to the group, if not poke any teacher IG to get started


Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
Upcoming class!
+Healing Potions - Asirel Silverhand {Thursday}
+Elven classes [Verbs and Conjugation] - Lillium Shink'maho {Tentative - Friday or Saturday}


Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
A reminder to those wishing to take the classes to enroll and set up a meeting with the teacher. We have a Skype set up as well to keep everyone in contact.