Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Orc city I plan on building


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Thank you for the information bodejodel that has clared alot of things up!
How do you choose where to build it? Use the air ballons and travel untill you find where you want your city?
Yes, you wander around the land for days and days untill you find the perfect location. It should be a good bit away from existing towns, or you should have permission to start a town close to them before you can claim it.

You have to be noble (50k rads) to be able to buy your first 16*16 region (another 50k rads). Every next chunk is 2500 rads.
If you want to start an Orcish house, you need another 50k rads.

It is all explained here.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Thanks for all the suport guys,Those asking where it is , well its not built yet thats the thing at the moment we need to find a good location to build it and raise enough money!
However im earning a fair bit and should hopefully have noble by the end of the weekend!
Thanks to everyone who has sent me IG money to fund my city!

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Everyone whos asked to help sure you can,
Everyone whos wished goodluck than you!
Also yeah hopefully this will encourage people to RP as Orcs especialy since I have only got 1 heir so far


Lord of Altera
And they say Dwarves smell.

I'll help pillage your orcish city with my beautiful Dwarves anyday ;)

(I'm actually looking forward to see what this'll look like, I don't like invading enemies when their houses consist of cobble boxes ;) )

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Been talking to some people in private conversation got some awesome house ideas!
Soon once 3 templates are designed they may be shown on this thread for you to admire!
Our moneys also up to 30k only need 70k more!
Orc awaaay!!!


Loyal Servant of Altera
I'd like to get in on this, only recently joined the server and looking for a home, got some equipment to contribute and of course I will supply as much manual labour as needed. IG name is Muffinod