Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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One Thousand Appologies!


Loyal Servant of Altera
To anyone on the Yester who I took my blade to, I humbly beg your apology! You must understand, I was in the Southern Wilds, laboring at my hidden base. One moment I was prying riches from the living rock and musing on wine and woman and the next moment the world was all A-Kilter. I knew not if I'd been stuck a sound blow or been subjected to some foul spell.

Then a bearded man was directly in my face and I was certain that bandits had gotten the best of me. My blade was out in an instant, and I struck several telling blows to those around me, driving the bearded man back and breaking free of the press.

But to my dismay I was no longer in the confines of my mine, but in a vast domed arena. Despite having no idea of what was occurring, I stopped swinging, luckily before my steel took life. I was later to learn that I'd been spirited away, like the others to that place to watch men die in The Grand Tournament.

I hope that any who felt the sting of my blade will not hold a lasting grudge.