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Deceased Odette Strand, The Mother Bear


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
(Cue really depressing journal)
On edge was an understatement. Odette was hanging off the edge, and her life was stepping on her fingers, trying to force her to let go. Yet, with her last bit of strength, she held on tightly, hoping and praying that something would happen soon.
She was grateful, at least, that she had made it, and that her family was alive. After all the struggling she and her people went through, they were still standing. Once again, she felt as if she had fought against death, and won, but that made her anxious.
Storm and Josh were dead, along with... The dog. They had died fighting for her home. Their home. Though she'd never admit it, it was difficult to get rid of the bodies. After that, though, everything felt too easy. Somehow she had grown very...indifferent.
Life had been horrid to Odette, she had experienced a lot of terrible things, but at the same time it had given her the most wonderful thing anyone could ask for. Her family. She couldn't see the world as cruel, when she woke up next to a loving husband each morning.
The Strands had become her counterbalance. Her past, her fears, her anger, hatred and sadness weighed her down so heavily, yet their love and support was so powerful that it balanced out...But apparently the raider's attacks were her last straw.
She was now so deep into the dark abyss that she could barely make out the faces of the ones that loved her. She should have cried...or felt scared, but instead she felt numb.
She didn't feel comfortable admitting to this. After all she was alive, no? She had made it, and so had all the people she deeply cared why should she be sad?
Instead she kept it in, gradually building her walls so that she could remain pleasantly impassive, quietly callous, comfortably numb.



Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Complete relationships revamp. Basically its even harder to get on there now. she's back boiiiiiis. Will update more on profile when I can be arsed.

Found this song which is allll about my baby, most specifically when she was a barmaid in riseport but still applies now.


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
Dwindling flame.
“So…have you deemed me worthy?” Odette slurred towards the dwindling flame, knowing she’d get no response. Despite her inebriated state, her hand remained tightly gripped to the bottle of whiskey, her arm dangling loosely from her body like a shoe lace. The crackling flames reflected against her half lidded eyes as they fought to stay lit.
“You threw everything you could at me… Aye, but I remained standing.” She swigged her drink, setting the bottle down, not noticing it fall and begin spilling across the floor. “So am I worthy of your… finale? Have I proven myself enough? Because I’m ready for it. Gods am I ready.” Her head lulled back as her eyes lost their fight to stay open.
“I know I am not a good woman, I know…” She began after a moment of silence, but the rest of her sentence escaped her, and instead she exhaled slowly through her nose. Her hand that was holding her bottle moved to rest over her heart, her nose scrunching up as a pain shot through her. She could see his face in her mind, Tryg, laughing and chugging a mug of mead. It felt like such a distant memory now. Another pang of pain crept from her heart and through her bloodstream. She couldn’t bare to imagine him as she last saw him, so pale and cold, the forest green in his one good eye had become a dull, ache of life.
In the blink of an eye, Odette had gathered the whiskey bottle again and tossed it at the opposite wall of the feast hall, causing a loud smash to echo around the empty room. Her hand trembled as it remained extended, she had not felt so weak in years, so vulnerable. With a single tear, she lulled her head back once more.
“Jus-..Just take better care of my kids than you did me. They are better than me…they deserve…more than this…this…shit.” At this point she wasn’t sure who she was speaking to, though it wasn’t unlike her to speak to no one at all. With another sigh, she let her muscles relax. Her once flame-like hair was a greying curtain that draped over the back of the chair, lifeless. After a moment, her cracked lips turned up at the corners.
Odette had lived a long and arduous life, but in her final moments she couldn’t help but feel proud. She had survived her demons and come out on top. She had protected her family and friends and remained loyal to those that mattered most. She was strong. Stronger than most men. It would be a lie to say she hadn’t enjoyed her life. She knew love, and family. She knew how it felt to laugh until she cried, and cry until she laughed. She had helped build a town from the ground up, survived countless attempts on her life, and brought a child into the world despite thinking she never could. At first glance, people would probably not think it, but Odette was happy. Happier than she ever dreamed she could be.
As she began drifting to sleep in the uncomfortable chair, she swore she heard Tryg’s voice calling to her from across the hall. Her eyes opened, and there he was, standing tall and straight by the door, just like the day she had first met him. His face was youthful and bright, but still wrinkled at the cheeks from that constant, smug grin he kept. He extended his hand to her, and she stood.
“Come on Od, let’s go to bed.” His words were not echoed by age, nor were Odette’s steps as she made her way to him. She was her young and beautiful self again, no scars across her face, no ache in her limbs. When she reached him and took his hand, he let out a short laugh and shook his head.
“What’s so funny?” Odette asked slyly, raising a brow to him.
“You really should have come with me to Vinterhaven the first time we met.” He replied as his thumb traced the back of her unwrinkled hand.
“I know, Sugar. So much time was wasted.” Her bottom lip jutted out slightly, and he chuckled. His free hand moved to rest on her cheek, grazing across her pure ivory skin, no blemishes beneath his touch.
“We have all the time in the world now, Love.” His lips pressed to hers briefly and she smiled. The hand on her cheek moved to the handle on the door, then paused. “You ready?”
“Always.” And with that, the door opened onto the bright, white tundra of Stoltfar. Odette and Tryg stepped outside, and closed the doors behind them, leaving the sleeping old woman in her seat. What once was a fiery young lady, was now just a dwindling flame.

Odette's time has come to an end. Needless to say, I am and have been very emotional. Shes accomplished a lot. I have never felt so emotionally attached to a character. I am very proud of what she became. I hope that some of you enjoyed her as much as I did.
I will not be updating the profile, as I feel it better to leave it as she was in her final years.

French Roast

Lord of Altera
Dwindling flame.
“So…have you deemed me worthy?” Odette slurred towards the dwindling flame, knowing she’d get no response. Despite her inebriated state, her hand remained tightly gripped to the bottle of whiskey, her arm dangling loosely from her body like a shoe lace. The crackling flames reflected against her half lidded eyes as they fought to stay lit.
“You threw everything you could at me… Aye, but I remained standing.” She swigged her drink, setting the bottle down, not noticing it fall and begin spilling across the floor. “So am I worthy of your… finale? Have I proven myself enough? Because I’m ready for it. Gods am I ready.” Her head lulled back as her eyes lost their fight to stay open.
“I know I am not a good woman, I know…” She began after a moment of silence, but the rest of her sentence escaped her, and instead she exhaled slowly through her nose. Her hand that was holding her bottle moved to rest over her heart, her nose scrunching up as a pain shot through her. She could see his face in her mind, Tryg, laughing and chugging a mug of mead. It felt like such a distant memory now. Another pang of pain crept from her heart and through her bloodstream. She couldn’t bare to imagine him as she last saw him, so pale and cold, the forest green in his one good eye had become a dull, ache of life.
In the blink of an eye, Odette had gathered the whiskey bottle again and tossed it at the opposite wall of the feast hall, causing a loud smash to echo around the empty room. Her hand trembled as it remained extended, she had not felt so weak in years, so vulnerable. With a single tear, she lulled her head back once more.
“Jus-..Just take better care of my kids than you did me. They are better than me…they deserve…more than this…this…shit.” At this point she wasn’t sure who she was speaking to, though it wasn’t unlike her to speak to no one at all. With another sigh, she let her muscles relax. Her once flame-like hair was a greying curtain that draped over the back of the chair, lifeless. After a moment, her cracked lips turned up at the corners.
Odette had lived a long and arduous life, but in her final moments she couldn’t help but feel proud. She had survived her demons and come out on top. She had protected her family and friends and remained loyal to those that mattered most. She was strong. Stronger than most men. It would be a lie to say she hadn’t enjoyed her life. She knew love, and family. She knew how it felt to laugh until she cried, and cry until she laughed. She had helped build a town from the ground up, survived countless attempts on her life, and brought a child into the world despite thinking she never could. At first glance, people would probably not think it, but Odette was happy. Happier than she ever dreamed she could be.
As she began drifting to sleep in the uncomfortable chair, she swore she heard Tryg’s voice calling to her from across the hall. Her eyes opened, and there he was, standing tall and straight by the door, just like the day she had first met him. His face was youthful and bright, but still wrinkled at the cheeks from that constant, smug grin he kept. He extended his hand to her, and she stood.
“Come on Od, let’s go to bed.” His words were not echoed by age, nor were Odette’s steps as she made her way to him. She was her young and beautiful self again, no scars across her face, no ache in her limbs. When she reached him and took his hand, he let out a short laugh and shook his head.
“What’s so funny?” Odette asked slyly, raising a brow to him.
“You really should have come with me to Vinterhaven the first time we met.” He replied as his thumb traced the back of her unwrinkled hand.
“I know, Sugar. So much time was wasted.” Her bottom lip jutted out slightly, and he chuckled. His free hand moved to rest on her cheek, grazing across her pure ivory skin, no blemishes beneath his touch.
“We have all the time in the world now, Love.” His lips pressed to hers briefly and she smiled. The hand on her cheek moved to the handle on the door, then paused. “You ready?”
“Always.” And with that, the door opened onto the bright, white tundra of Stoltfar. Odette and Tryg stepped outside, and closed the doors behind them, leaving the sleeping old woman in her seat. What once was a fiery young lady, was now just a dwindling flame.

Odette's time has come to an end. Needless to say, I am and have been very emotional. Shes accomplished a lot. I have never felt so emotionally attached to a character. I am very proud of what she became. I hope that some of you enjoyed her as much as I did.
I will not be updating the profile, as I feel it better to leave it as she was in her final years.
I’m not crying again, no.
That’s just sweat, I swear.
I’m going to miss Od and Tryg :(


Lord of Altera
Dwindling flame.
“So…have you deemed me worthy?” Odette slurred towards the dwindling flame, knowing she’d get no response. Despite her inebriated state, her hand remained tightly gripped to the bottle of whiskey, her arm dangling loosely from her body like a shoe lace. The crackling flames reflected against her half lidded eyes as they fought to stay lit.
“You threw everything you could at me… Aye, but I remained standing.” She swigged her drink, setting the bottle down, not noticing it fall and begin spilling across the floor. “So am I worthy of your… finale? Have I proven myself enough? Because I’m ready for it. Gods am I ready.” Her head lulled back as her eyes lost their fight to stay open.
“I know I am not a good woman, I know…” She began after a moment of silence, but the rest of her sentence escaped her, and instead she exhaled slowly through her nose. Her hand that was holding her bottle moved to rest over her heart, her nose scrunching up as a pain shot through her. She could see his face in her mind, Tryg, laughing and chugging a mug of mead. It felt like such a distant memory now. Another pang of pain crept from her heart and through her bloodstream. She couldn’t bare to imagine him as she last saw him, so pale and cold, the forest green in his one good eye had become a dull, ache of life.
In the blink of an eye, Odette had gathered the whiskey bottle again and tossed it at the opposite wall of the feast hall, causing a loud smash to echo around the empty room. Her hand trembled as it remained extended, she had not felt so weak in years, so vulnerable. With a single tear, she lulled her head back once more.
“Jus-..Just take better care of my kids than you did me. They are better than me…they deserve…more than this…this…shit.” At this point she wasn’t sure who she was speaking to, though it wasn’t unlike her to speak to no one at all. With another sigh, she let her muscles relax. Her once flame-like hair was a greying curtain that draped over the back of the chair, lifeless. After a moment, her cracked lips turned up at the corners.
Odette had lived a long and arduous life, but in her final moments she couldn’t help but feel proud. She had survived her demons and come out on top. She had protected her family and friends and remained loyal to those that mattered most. She was strong. Stronger than most men. It would be a lie to say she hadn’t enjoyed her life. She knew love, and family. She knew how it felt to laugh until she cried, and cry until she laughed. She had helped build a town from the ground up, survived countless attempts on her life, and brought a child into the world despite thinking she never could. At first glance, people would probably not think it, but Odette was happy. Happier than she ever dreamed she could be.
As she began drifting to sleep in the uncomfortable chair, she swore she heard Tryg’s voice calling to her from across the hall. Her eyes opened, and there he was, standing tall and straight by the door, just like the day she had first met him. His face was youthful and bright, but still wrinkled at the cheeks from that constant, smug grin he kept. He extended his hand to her, and she stood.
“Come on Od, let’s go to bed.” His words were not echoed by age, nor were Odette’s steps as she made her way to him. She was her young and beautiful self again, no scars across her face, no ache in her limbs. When she reached him and took his hand, he let out a short laugh and shook his head.
“What’s so funny?” Odette asked slyly, raising a brow to him.
“You really should have come with me to Vinterhaven the first time we met.” He replied as his thumb traced the back of her unwrinkled hand.
“I know, Sugar. So much time was wasted.” Her bottom lip jutted out slightly, and he chuckled. His free hand moved to rest on her cheek, grazing across her pure ivory skin, no blemishes beneath his touch.
“We have all the time in the world now, Love.” His lips pressed to hers briefly and she smiled. The hand on her cheek moved to the handle on the door, then paused. “You ready?”
“Always.” And with that, the door opened onto the bright, white tundra of Stoltfar. Odette and Tryg stepped outside, and closed the doors behind them, leaving the sleeping old woman in her seat. What once was a fiery young lady, was now just a dwindling flame.

Odette's time has come to an end. Needless to say, I am and have been very emotional. Shes accomplished a lot. I have never felt so emotionally attached to a character. I am very proud of what she became. I hope that some of you enjoyed her as much as I did.
I will not be updating the profile, as I feel it better to leave it as she was in her final years.
I cri everytim.


The Green One
Retired Staff
Dwindling flame.
“So…have you deemed me worthy?” Odette slurred towards the dwindling flame, knowing she’d get no response. Despite her inebriated state, her hand remained tightly gripped to the bottle of whiskey, her arm dangling loosely from her body like a shoe lace. The crackling flames reflected against her half lidded eyes as they fought to stay lit.
“You threw everything you could at me… Aye, but I remained standing.” She swigged her drink, setting the bottle down, not noticing it fall and begin spilling across the floor. “So am I worthy of your… finale? Have I proven myself enough? Because I’m ready for it. Gods am I ready.” Her head lulled back as her eyes lost their fight to stay open.
“I know I am not a good woman, I know…” She began after a moment of silence, but the rest of her sentence escaped her, and instead she exhaled slowly through her nose. Her hand that was holding her bottle moved to rest over her heart, her nose scrunching up as a pain shot through her. She could see his face in her mind, Tryg, laughing and chugging a mug of mead. It felt like such a distant memory now. Another pang of pain crept from her heart and through her bloodstream. She couldn’t bare to imagine him as she last saw him, so pale and cold, the forest green in his one good eye had become a dull, ache of life.
In the blink of an eye, Odette had gathered the whiskey bottle again and tossed it at the opposite wall of the feast hall, causing a loud smash to echo around the empty room. Her hand trembled as it remained extended, she had not felt so weak in years, so vulnerable. With a single tear, she lulled her head back once more.
“Jus-..Just take better care of my kids than you did me. They are better than me…they deserve…more than this…this…shit.” At this point she wasn’t sure who she was speaking to, though it wasn’t unlike her to speak to no one at all. With another sigh, she let her muscles relax. Her once flame-like hair was a greying curtain that draped over the back of the chair, lifeless. After a moment, her cracked lips turned up at the corners.
Odette had lived a long and arduous life, but in her final moments she couldn’t help but feel proud. She had survived her demons and come out on top. She had protected her family and friends and remained loyal to those that mattered most. She was strong. Stronger than most men. It would be a lie to say she hadn’t enjoyed her life. She knew love, and family. She knew how it felt to laugh until she cried, and cry until she laughed. She had helped build a town from the ground up, survived countless attempts on her life, and brought a child into the world despite thinking she never could. At first glance, people would probably not think it, but Odette was happy. Happier than she ever dreamed she could be.
As she began drifting to sleep in the uncomfortable chair, she swore she heard Tryg’s voice calling to her from across the hall. Her eyes opened, and there he was, standing tall and straight by the door, just like the day she had first met him. His face was youthful and bright, but still wrinkled at the cheeks from that constant, smug grin he kept. He extended his hand to her, and she stood.
“Come on Od, let’s go to bed.” His words were not echoed by age, nor were Odette’s steps as she made her way to him. She was her young and beautiful self again, no scars across her face, no ache in her limbs. When she reached him and took his hand, he let out a short laugh and shook his head.
“What’s so funny?” Odette asked slyly, raising a brow to him.
“You really should have come with me to Vinterhaven the first time we met.” He replied as his thumb traced the back of her unwrinkled hand.
“I know, Sugar. So much time was wasted.” Her bottom lip jutted out slightly, and he chuckled. His free hand moved to rest on her cheek, grazing across her pure ivory skin, no blemishes beneath his touch.
“We have all the time in the world now, Love.” His lips pressed to hers briefly and she smiled. The hand on her cheek moved to the handle on the door, then paused. “You ready?”
“Always.” And with that, the door opened onto the bright, white tundra of Stoltfar. Odette and Tryg stepped outside, and closed the doors behind them, leaving the sleeping old woman in her seat. What once was a fiery young lady, was now just a dwindling flame.

Odette's time has come to an end. Needless to say, I am and have been very emotional. Shes accomplished a lot. I have never felt so emotionally attached to a character. I am very proud of what she became. I hope that some of you enjoyed her as much as I did.
I will not be updating the profile, as I feel it better to leave it as she was in her final years.
This is such a touching ending, glad they can be together once more. RIP Odette.