Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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New Hollowworld the gathering set poll


Lord of Altera
I'll let this be going for two weeks, in this thread, feel free to post a faction, group, or just general theme for a Magic card set, or if you see one that you want to support, like /player love it! I'll keep track of the votes and current runners, so just stop by to see how things are going!

remember, there's two weeks, so get your posts in quick and they could get a lot of likes!

Current Running Sets are:

Children of Altera-3
Mages...Mages barely anywhere-7
Actually well thought out RP-3
Last edited:


Events Staff
Very Sweet
magicians unite
power hungry peeps
tallest characters in altera
snakes of the server


Lord of Altera
Edge deck, Full of the edgy doods on the server
And a special card that is labeled "Wenches and cake" Its doesn't do anything and it is immediately outdated when it comes out


Lord of Altera
Okay I got a great idea that will blow everyone outta the water, You ready? Okay here goes. How about a Vinterhavn set (Im not self town promoting I swear)


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
clicking play on that video is one of my life's many regrets


Lord of Altera
added current running sets, keep in mind that if you post multiple ideas in one post, i'm not gonna be able to tell what people want, so I'll just pick one of em XD


Lord of Altera
right! 6 days left in the poll, mages barely anywhere are taking the lead at 4 votes, with Children of Altera and Actually Decent RP both tying for 2nd with two votes...
and then there's everything else, including the dalek video technically speaking, with just a post ._.