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[NationStates] The People's Republic of Tarcheya


Lord of Altera
"United We Are Steadfast"
Capital city - Salzbreck
National Animal - Tarcheyan lion
National Recognized Religion - Tarcheya accepts all religious beliefs
Head of State - Ruling Council of Tarcheya
Current Councilmembers - Hans Grob, Jacques Chevett, Astrid Valke.
World Council Representative - Jonas Markwardt

Anthem of Tarcheya

The People's Republic of Tarcheya is an environmentally stunning nation, known for its modern military, hard people, and far-left government. The populace enjoys the rights to vote for their leader, which has always been a council of three, serving for ten years. Citizens enjoy great freedoms on their own, and generally keep to themselves and close groups of friends.

With the government owning all industry and completely controlling the economy, all work in Tarcheya is for the state. Workers are paid in money to buy their wants, but all needs are provided by the state, including housing. The people can buy whatever they wish outside of the country, and the government imports foreign goods for sale in its own shops.

The punishment for all crime is strict. Strong believers in the system of scaring potential criminals into good behaviour, Tarcheya's alternative to the death penalty is a life sentence of work for the state, improving the nation's roads, public buildings, and serving jobs for no pay. Any violation of the prison rules is punished by harsher labor. Refusing to obey in a way that endangers someone's life will result in death.

Flag of Tarcheya
The people of western Tarcheya are descended from the Raihl tribesmen, who are similar to the people of ancient Gaul and the Franks. Northern Tarcheyans are descended from the peoples of the far north, and are similar to people from modern Slavic and Nordic nations. Tarcheyans from the south are Saloch tribesmen, who are similar to ancient Germans. The formation of Tarcheya happened when the Kingdom of Vawadeya conquered the weaker Kingdom of Arhemia. King Arsmond IV of Vawadeya was named Kasir Arismont I of Tarcheya, a title meaning 'Emperor' in Mercian, the language of Tarcheya. The plural is Kasiren.

The Kingdom of Tarcheya lasted for several hundred years until the Golden Revolution, when the people overthrew Kasir Martine II, last Kasir of Tarcheya, in 1891. The revolution brought communism to the country, a decision that was approved of by the lower class and, after threats of exile or execution, by the middle class. The family of the Kasir were exiled, and the Kasir himself was executed after requesting death over exile from his homeland. The revolution brought the separation of Arhemia from Tarcheya, who took in the exiled monarchy.

Representative Jonas Markwardt

Councilmember Hans Grob

Councilmember Jacques Chevett

Councilmember Astrid Valke

The religion most commonly practiced in Tarcheya is the known as the White Faith or the Church of Heaven, which believes in a single god, the Father, and his sons, the four Heavenly Kings. In the time of the Tarcheyan empire, it was said that the Kasir was a descendant of one of the Heavenly Kings. After death, the angels, who are daughters of the Father, take the deceased to the Heavenly Kingdom, or damn them to the Abyss for their sins. Churches to the White Faith are still common, as well as synagogues, mosques, and all kinds of churches to other religions. Tarcheya allows near complete religious freedom.

Provincial Flags

Tarcheya is split into three provinces. These are (from left to right) Ruchtestein, Salzstein, and Prastenstein. The word stein is not used in modern Mercian, but means "holding" in the medieval Mercian dialect, as in the holding of a lord. Ruchtestein is named for the Ruchte Guard, the ancient knightly order serving the Kasir. Salzstein is named for the House of Salz, the family the last four Kasiren of Tarcheya came from. The capital city of Salzbreck, meaning Seat of Salz, is located in Salzstein. Prastenstein is named for the House of Prasten, the family of the second and seventh Kasiren.

The coat of arms of Ruchtestein comes from the coat of arms of the first Lord Templar of the Ruchte Guard, who came from a farming family before being knighted for his service in war. The coat of arms shows a rooster, showing the humble past of the Lord Templar, and a star representing the Ruchte Guard.

The coat of arms of Salzstein comes from the Kasir William I and his wife, Kasirina Valencia, who united their coats of arms, these being William's grey lion on a white field and Valencia's golden cross on a red field. The meanings of their coats of arms have been lost due to a fire that destroyed medieval texts in the Tarcheyan History Museum at Reinbau-on-Maritte.

Prastenstein has no coat of arms, but shows three crosses, for the three great cathedrals built by the highly religious seventh Kasir, Arismont III.​
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Lord of Altera
Branches of the People's Armed Forces

The People's Guard Corps - Defenders of Tarcheya and the Pact

The Legion-Marine - Soldiers based in or fighting in foreign countries.

The Grinmacht - Special forces.


Stierhund MBT

Tortue APC

Tonnerre Mobile Artillery

Bagien Anti-Tank Vehicle

Adler Fighter-Bomber

Faucon Attack Helicopter
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Lord of Altera
Weaponry of the People's Armed Forces

Vaarch AR11

Vaarch MG14

Cochrane DMR31

Vaarch SMG51

Weapons of the Grinmacht - Tarcheya's Special Forces

Cochrane DMR17

Vaarch AR21 and AR21 Paratrooper

Cochrane - Vaarch SMG18-P
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