Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Napoleon_Mumbo - application [Approved - Itzzaboy]

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Napoleon Mumbo

Lord of Altera
1. Napoleon_Mumbo

2. Ron Chadwick

3. 21

4. Male

5. United Kingdom

6. I have read the Tome of Citizenship and agree to the rules

7. I enjoy playing role-playing games often, my favourite games include Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Skyrim (or any elder scrolls game) etc. I have experience with online role-playing (such as World of Warcraft and Guild Wars) and I can do extremely well to create a character.

8. I could do this normally, but being a creative person I will instead regale of you of a story about the one Napoleon Mumbo! He was a man of simple tastes, video games, films, the white parts of oreos, but he would consider everything artistic to an extent. He studied for language and linguistics in the hopes that one day, he could be a doctor of speech. One day he stumbled upon a game known as Minecraft, he was bewildered by the idea of square blocks stacking upon one another. But still, he entered the fray with nothing but a wooden pickaxe and a delicious mushroom he had recently acquired.Weeks passed, and the building continued. He would every now and then take part in his other interests, playing music, martial arts, la discotheque, but no matter what, he'd always return to his drug, his crutch, his Minecraft. Dammit, one sentence left, oh I know, screw Flanders!

9. This is a light house I built, it's nothing great but it's the only picture I have on this computer.
Creme Fraiche.png

10. A hug? Yeah you can have a hug.

11. I have seen the black magic and it does not belong in the hands of mere mortals such as myself.


King ForumStalker
I like the way you roleplayed question 8 without making it about your character, very creative.

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