Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Morana


Legend of Altera
She/Her, They/Them
(viewed best in darkmode & all art made by yours truly)

morana headshot small.png
Name: Morana
Titles: None
Nicknames: She does not see the purpose in anyone calling her by any name but her own
Alias: The White Stag, The Bear of Alnwick​

Age: 24
Gender: Cisfemale
Race: Human - Kaltic
Sexuality: Demisexual (Queer)
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 220Lbs
Date of Birth:
Current Home: The Golden Coast


Build: She is built to last. A strong muscular build with a plush layer of fat.
Hair: Her hair is thick and dark, the colour like the bark of a pine tree or a burning log. It is unkempt and pulled messily into half of a braid down her back.
Eyes: Her eyes are a deep blue almost indigo colour, they are the colour of the night sky in the dead of winter.
Skin: Her skin has just enough colour to not be snow white but it is certainly close.
Identifying Marks: Her nose is naturally large and hooked but has been broken many times throughout the years. Her face is covered in a litany of scars both small and large from slips and accidents while hunting.
Clothing: She wears a quilted blue gambeson made for her by her late mother and a soft grey tunic with a high neck, and deep blue breeches. Her boots and cloak are lined with the pelts of animals she's hunted.
Hygiene: Bathes regularly

Virtues: Hardworking, Modest, Adaptable, Generous, Just
Vices: Cold, Impersonal at times, Indecisive, Hot-Headed, Stubborn
Strengths: Firm in her beliefs
Fears: Drowning
Languages: Common, Rede


- Born in a village called Alnwick deep in the Northern Mountains, the village cannot be seen on any map
- Raised by two loving parents, she developed the most basic and unrefined skills of a hunter
- In the summer months of her fifteenth year, Morana's mother drowned in a nearby lake while attempting to rescue a child
- Shortly after the tragedy Morana's father took off and began travelling. Rumours in the village stated that perhaps he had been blessed by an air spirit and thus could no longer remain in one place for very long. Those rumours would prove false.
- At 16 for her coming of age Morana went out in search of a Bear to hunt. During her hunt she found and killed an elusive White Stag. Her father was notably not there to celebrate her coming age.
- At 17 her father brought home a young wife only a year older than Morana. Despite disliking the young lady at first, Morana came to like her 'step-mother' greatly. Morana under her tutelage improved her writing and reading. And learnt a little of the Divines that were worshipped across the continent.
Young Adulthood
- On her twentieth name day, Morana took off to explore the world and better herself.
Religion or Cults: Holds a preference for the Grey Lady and Theodra, has not yet begun to practice religion
Alignment: Neutral Good
Short Term Goals:
- Improve her Blacksmith skills
- Grow the community at the Golden Coast
Long Term Goals:
- Become an Accomplished Weaponsmith
- Improve her devotion to the Grey Lady and Theodra

Loved, Trusted, Liked, Neutral, Disliked, Hated
