Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Merry Christmas, Hollowworld!


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Hello Hollowworld,

I wanted to take this holiday as a chance to compliment everyone for the good things we’ve managed to do together this year. Sure, there’s been twists and turns, and moments when I’m sure people have been looking at what we’re doing—or at what I’m doing—and scratching their heads. Even so, I think the past year has been really good for us:

We've had some fantastic and exciting campaigns put on by most dedicated staff and player alike, we've had intriguing new lore authored and old lore touched up, we've had players build factions and cultures, and we've seen community members from all different cliques and social groups reach out to one another to just do the most interesting things. Don't get me wrong, I know it hasn't all been peaches and cream, but there really has been a lot of great things going on and happening in Hollowworld these past twelve months. So thank you, to everyone who's made things better and to everyone who continues to dedicate their time into making Hollowworld a special place. Make no mistake, it is a special place—a place which in my opinion rightfully catches and holds onto the attention and passion of everyone in it.

I hope that everyone will take the opportunity, today, tomorrow, or at any time in the coming weeks or even months to tell others how it is you appreciate them. We do that already, but indeed there can be no shortage in spreading positive vibes. So go ahead and reach out to someone, maybe someone you don't even know that well—challenge yourself to make connections with people, even if they are brief.

Anyways, I hope that everyone is healthy and happy this Christmas; I hope that everyone's friends and family are likewise. To close out this holiday message, I leave everyone with the greatest Christmas song ever recorded (and there can be no disputing this):

Happy holidays everyone, and merry Christmas! We'll talk again in the New Year.
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Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
I am informed that for certain countries, the embedded video will not display properly. My song selection is "Please Come For Christmas," in the style of the Eagles. RIP Glenn Frey.
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