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[Lore] Calendar of Anhald


Lord of Altera

The current year in Anhald is 39 HL. HL stands for 'Hinterlandung', meaning 'After landing'. The Anhald calendar begins at the discovery of Gottland by Kaiser Peter and Kronprinz Edmund. The Imperial Calendar, as maintained by the Inquisition and the Church, consists of a 365 day calendar with 12 months. The months are usually referred to by their common names as they fall on the same dates, but have official names with Rede translations.


Months and their Traditions
Real - Common - Anhald

September - Fogwater - Month of Last Harvest / Month of Kings
1st to 7th - The New Year
A week of no work, celebrated with feasts and parties. The Anhald New Year comes in September because it is the month that Kaiser Charles was crowned. Peasants and nobility alike are expected to attend a lengthy church ceremony on the night of the New Year before the celebration begins.

20th - The Imperial Hunt
The hunt has a loose starting date and unofficial ones often begin weeks before, but the official hunt of the Kaiser and the high nobility begins on the 20th in preparation for the Harvest Feast a few days later.

22nd - The Harvest Feast
A feast for nobility held in the Red Hall of Marienburg and in the Queensport Palace. Peasants in Reichland will attend feasts held by the servants of their liege lords while their lords are away for the royal feasts, and peasants in Kaltstaat will hold their own private dinners in their homes.

October - Ghostmoon - Month of Fallow
30th - The Fallow Festival
A day to celebrate the end of the winter preparations that occur between the end of the farming season in the Month of Last Harvest and the coming cold of the Month of First Frost. The day is spent in celebration in public ceremonies, and the night is spent modestly to remember the dead.

November - Stormwind - Month of First Frost
10th - The Ember Festival
A night of feasting and partying to celebrate the beginning of the end of the warm months of the year. Local inquisitors and clergy will light bonfires to ward off evil, and the Lord Inquisitor himself will light a sacred fire. He alternates each year between Reichland and Kaltstaat.

December - Winterfeast - Month of Snow
No traditions at this time.

January - Snowdown - Month of Ice
No traditions at this time.

February - Floodlock - Month of Winds
1st - The Coronation of Alison I
Only celebrated in Kaltstaat or by certain Reichlanders.

March - Springrise - Month of Floods
No traditions at this time.

April - Truebirth - Month of Rain
No traditions at this time.

May - Sporebloom - Month of First Harvest
No traditions at this time.

June - Lightshine - Month of Dawn
21st - Midsummer's Eve
Bonfires are lit across the realm, with official fires in Marienburg and Queensport. Local inquisitors and clergy will bless the fires to ward off evil with holy incense, oils, and birch wood.

July - Sunbright - Month of Light
5th - 15th - Falling Stars
Only celebrated in Kaltstaat or by certain Reichlanders.

August - Mistset - Month of Dusk / Month of God
No traditions at this time.


Traditions Without Dates

The Cleansing Fire
A great effigy representing the false gods is constructed of hay and pine, and is burned on a ceremonial birch wood pyre by local inquisitors and clergy. Represents the purging of the minor sins one commits for that year. Tied to independent local traditions and is celebrated on different dates by different lords.

The Nobles Ball
A ball for all nobility, including foreigners, held once a month or once every few months by the Kane family of Kaltstaat. The date of the ball depends on the schedule of the Kane family and the Kaltstaat high nobility.

Tapping of the Kegs
An exclusively Kaltstaat holiday that is only celebrated in Reichland by those who live close to the lands of house Eberhall. Occasionally celebrated in Marienburg, but it is not viewed as a legal Reichland holiday.

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Lord of Altera
Thanks to Elz for the basis of these holidays. I've rewritten them for this. Should mention that these aren't tied to those exact OOC dates. If we do events, they're based around what time is convenient, not the dates on this thread.