Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Looking for Players - Pathfinder


Magus of Nothing
I am intending to further practice my Gamemastering of Pathfinder and further my understanding of the system.

I am therefore looking to run a one shot for 4-5 players, with the potential to expand to a further campaign if we gel particularly well.

Any level of experience with regards to tabletop gaming, Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder will be accepted - if you have never played before, or even have no idea what it is, I am happy to explain and see if you have an interest. I would prefer less experience than more, in order to allow joint growth as a group.

We will be utilising Roll20 and Discord voice chat. It is highly preferable that you are willing to listen and talk in Discord.

I have a module decided upon, but will clarify details once I have the desired number of players.

I am in GMT, but can Gamemaster at any time - as this will be a one-shot (at least initially), availability is not a major concern.

You can reply here, in Discord at Jak#7046 or inbox me.