Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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To Be Resumed Let's Play a Game Of Chaos!


Lord of Altera
I was uncertain of what to choose, so I let the Dice speak for me:
Captura de pantalla 2018-11-12 a las 20.01.59.png

Try to keep me alive please? Thx.

Edit: I'm up for helping setting things up if thats needed.
About the date, if we aren't going to be able to RP normally I would rather do it on Friday, aso the latest we get kidnaped the better so we can play as usual.
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Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
I'm up for it -- and I can be kidnapped whenever. I don't use the character a lot so whenever it is you'd want to poison him is fine.

Friday has some restrictions as far as time goes, I'd be good it if it started somewhat earlier that day.


I think I might like it here
I'm up for it -- and I can be kidnapped whenever. I don't use the character a lot so whenever it is you'd want to poison him is fine.

Friday has some restrictions as far as time goes, I'd be good it if it started somewhat earlier that day.
Biggest problem for me is im on a weird coastal timezone, (Pacific Standard Time) so it may have to be later on friday, If we do it on Friday.


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Hey, that's my timezone too. You do what you gotta do, looks like you've plenty of folks either way.

Maybe you end up doing this more than once if it goes over well. Who knows?


I think I might like it here
It seems like the event has already begun, people are investigating disappearances already... so Shall i Say... Let the Games Begin! (Maybe? IRP actions are being made to find the kidnapped players, which i find interesting and i want to see how it will turn out!)


Guardian Of The Vibes
Server Outreach
Unable to do Fridays but it works for the majority so it's all g


I think I might like it here
Alright, so As posted previously, we are changing the date and time of the 'Escape' to Friday 6:00 PM (Pacific Standard Time) If you don't feel like you want to be well kidnapped, you can always join the force that's currently investigating disappearances!


Lord of Altera
I said I would rather do it Friday but perhaps there are some other things to consider
First there is another event going on the same day "[Private Worship] The Dark Order Calls " (Although there is another one on Saturday so it isn't a relevant statement).
Even tough I think the earlier the better to allow the kidnapped players RP as soon as possible I could join any other day, and I would be fine with it if it allows more people to join.

I'm excited for this event. Gj Hy :p


I think I might like it here
I said I would rather do it Friday but perhaps there are some other things to consider
First there is another event going on the same day "[Private Worship] The Dark Order Calls " (Although there is another one on Saturday so it isn't a relevant statement).
Even tough I think the earlier the better to allow the kidnapped players RP as soon as possible I could join any other day, and I would be fine with it if it allows more people to join.

I'm excited for this event. Gj Hy :p
The Dark Order Calls Event is happening at 1 PM (Pacific Standard Time) I have set the time to be 6 PM, as to provide space between both events!
(P.S: Everyone is alot more worried about kidnappings so well, things have been moving faster than expected)


I think I might like it here
As the investigations drew closer... it seemed like they we're also loosing the track... Jesters, Entertainers, so many leads, so many questions!
Multiple things had happened... What a time for Chaos!

The rescue party had located the three Kidnapped Victims, Arianne, Elwin, and Sugar...
But the Kidnapper has yet to be caught~
The Games of Chaos have just begun- but this chapter has ended

(I'd like to thank everyone who Volunteered for this event! although i could not get all of you, this event is concluded ~FOR NOW~ I Hope everyone enjoyed what i could put together, as it was a first event, and i hope to cause more trouble for everyone in the future, But for now this is me saying thank you!)

~ Hyliade (Evylyn Or Hy.)


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Did you move it to another date? How did I miss this??? It was on the calendar for nov 18th!!


Lord of Altera
Olive is actively seeking out this person so I suppose I consent to anything and everything :)


I think I might like it here
From what I've been hearing, a group of PC's are on the hot trail of The Entertainer As Such, if players would like to do a small event to continue looking for this Trouble maker, i'd like to see who would be interested, and who would consider going for this... small investigation event.

If a high enough population chooses to participate i will set a date, and hope for the best that nothing goes Wrong

(This is only an investigation event, highly passive with a low chance of danger 'depending on the party size' if you would like this to happen, let me know with a reply to this post!)

However i may have this completely wrong, and it could turn out that a group is not preparing for a witch hunt, if so ignore this post, i'll delete it eventually!