Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

lagyserver's application [Declined - IceandFire]

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1. What is your Minecraft username?

2. How old are you?

3. What country are you from? What is your timezone?
England, Saturday, 17 April 2021, 14:07

4. Have you read the King's Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides yet?
I have read the code of conduct, kings law and the guide but I have not read the lore book (except for the races) because I want to learn it over time in character

5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?
using OOC information and or skills that your RP character would not know in an RP scenario

6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server?
no, there is no races that have an x-ray ability so it would be like a turtle strolling around at the speed of light

7. Tell us about yourself! Do you have any examples of your work?
I enjoy playing sandbox games, I play (and DM) D&D games, I have also frequented different semi-popular MCMMO/RP servers, I hope to refer this server to my friend if i get in because we have been looking for a server like this for a while now, I like to RP

8. Did anyone refer you? If not, how did you find our server?
first question? no. second question? a hell of a lot of web surfing


He/Him, They/Them
Hello! Id like to help you fix up your application today, you happen to be missing a bit from it. So let's get that fixed up and the like.

1. You listed a correct metagaming definition but the powergaming definition is missing, if you could please include that it would be great. 2. If you can, please tell us more about yourself perhaps outside of video games, do you have any outside hobbies or any pets, do you enjoy cooking or reading, are there any tv shows you like? Include anything you could perhaps bond with people over.

3. You are missing the character part of this application
Character Name:
(Be mindful of the Medieval Fantasy theme when choosing your name.)

Character Age:
(Simple enough!)

Character Race:
(Have a look through our Playable Races! Here's a helpful Guide!)

(We just want to make sure things like hair color, eye color, skin color, and clothing is all fitting for the setting/lore we have.)

(Optional) Picture of the Skin:
(Attach a picture here if you have one. If you don't have an image, that's fine. Just make sure you describe it well in the appearance section.)

Written Test!
(This is where you tell us a story of your choosing! Be creative. It should be 400 words minimum and use the character you've created above. This is what we use to judge your ability as a roleplayer. Show us how much you've learned by reading our guides and lore. Include anything you think will impress us!)

After you fill this out, edit it into your application and reply to this post to inform me of such =) I hope to hear back soon!


1. I am not too sure what powergaming is but i looked it up. is it the act of forcing RP on someone who would not want to RP?
2. I like to read fantasy books

Character Name:
Blaidd yn'wyliadwrus

Character Age:
I would like you to decide

Character Race:
I would like you to decide (preferably not human)

whatever fits best with the race

Written Test!
I will answer this once my race, age and appearance is decided


He/Him, They/Them
I apologise, but I cannot choose for you. If you can, please peruse our lore for the options.


Character Name:
the librarian

Character Age:

Character Race:
immortal construct

grey with markings in UGA

Written Test!
first it was all black, then light, I looked up and saw a colossal being looming over me. Seeing I was awake the thing spoke thus- Rise my child for I have given you a purpose, I look out onto the world and I see important knowledge, legends and truths being lost to the sands of time, so I have chosen you to go and collect all there is to know and write it down, you, are the librarian! - with that my vision fades back to darkness... I wake up in a clearing in the woods, with a sense of determination, I start my seemingly never ending quest.


He/Him, They/Them
Character Name:
the librarian

Character Age:

Character Race:
immortal construct

grey with markings in UGA

Written Test!
first it was all black, then light, I looked up and saw a colossal being looming over me. Seeing I was awake the thing spoke thus- Rise my child for I have given you a purpose, I look out onto the world and I see important knowledge, legends and truths being lost to the sands of time, so I have chosen you to go and collect all there is to know and write it down, you, are the librarian! - with that my vision fades back to darkness... I wake up in a clearing in the woods, with a sense of determination, I start my seemingly never ending quest.
Immortal Constructs are a restricted race and must be applied for once already whitelisted in.
Your test is also not of 400 words, that is required. I ask that you please redo your character and use a race that is avalible on our lore that is not restricted and a bit more detail with appearance and the like.


{Introduction Section}

Minecraft Username: lagyserver

Age: 14

Country & Timezone: Wales

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?: Metagaming- Using OOC information your character should not know to further yourself or others

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: My name is Zack. My favourite book is Eragon. I enjoy playing D&D I collect cast-iron figures I love lore



{Character Section}
Character Name: Cardigen "Cardy" Noname

Age: 100

Race: Wood Elf

Appearance: Hair- brown Eyes- hazel (blind in one eye) Skin- white

(Optional) Picture of the Skin: Attach on the thread

Written Test (Min: 400 words): The Crystal Tree By Lagyserver- There once was a Crystal Tree. This tree grew apples of huge proportions, so large in fact that when they fell, they would land with a thump so hard it could be heard for miles around. Now there was a town nearby that loved the tree because of its healing properties, this town was called Lycanborough. The Mayor of Lycanborough (who unfortunately was a light sleeper) would get woken up at the crack of dawn by the apples falling from the high branches of the Crystal Tree so naturally he was a very irritable man. One morning he was woke up by a particularly large thump. He was so angry; he ran out to the town square himself and ordered every lumberjack in town to go and cut down the magic tree. Throughout the day, the town was filled with the mind-numbing sound of metal on glass. At the end of the day, the head lumberjack went to the mayor and told him “Our axes ‘aint doin’ nuin’ to that there tree”. And it was true, when the mayor went to the tree, he found broken axes littering the ground yet not a scratch blemished the opaque surface of the tree. The mayor went to sleep that night angry and once again he was woken up by the thumping apples. This time he ran into the village and ordered all the miners to go and mine the tree away. Once again, the town was filled with the sound of metal on glass but once again the head miner went to the mayor and told him the news “Our picks ‘aint doin’ nuin’ to that there tree”. That night the mayor went to sleep dreading the morning. Now, something unusual happened, at exactly midnight, a single apple, the biggest apple of them all, fell and shook the mayor from his sleep. He was so enraged he ran outside barefoot in his pyjamas to the Crystal Tree and shouted at it until dawn, when he went back home and fell asleep for 3 whole days. When he awoke, the town was a mess. After he shouted at the tree, it had stopped producing its healing apples and now the town of Lycanborough was overrun with disease and strife. In the coming years, Lycanborough’s population would steadily decrease until only the mayor, now old and frail, was left. He reminisced about how the town used to be and wept over how much of a fool he was on that dreadful day. This story has 418 words in it (468 if you count these ones), but I think it still shows my creative & English skills well enough. I sadly could not fit my character into this story because I wrote it in a fit of inspiration. I hope you enjoyed it :)


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"Something need doing?"
Hey lagyserver,
Thanks for your application to Hollowworld. Unfortunately I am going to have to decline this app for the following reasons:
  • Your written test should be about your character. From the perspective of, or at least referencing them.
  • Elves do not have green skin/red eyes akin to what you have described. Please refer to the server's official lore.
  • You are missing your powergaming definition.
  • Your age of 14 on your app does not match with the ages you put down on your previous apps or profile.


I will will fix problems 1 and 2 and as for prob 4, well, to be completely honest I was 13 when I wrote it and I really wanted to get in so I panicked and put my DOB as 2000 though I can assure you I am now 14 (24/10/07) and eligible. I have friends who can back this up (I am willing to prove it if you tell me how). though I do have a question about prob 1, the written test was to test my English and my imagination, both of which the story provides and I seriously do not want to spend too much time on making a story no-one will see.
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{Introduction Section}

Minecraft Username:

Age: 14

Country & Timezone: Wales

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?: Metagaming- Using OOC information your character should not know to further yourself or others

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: My name is Zack. My favourite book is Eragon. I enjoy playing D&D I collect cast-iron figures I love lore



{Character Section}
Character Name:
Cardigen "Cardy" Noname

Age: 100

Race: Wood Elf

Appearance: Hair- brown Eyes- hazel (blind in one eye) Skin- white

(Optional) Picture of the Skin: Attach on the thread

Written Test (Min: 400 words): See Above



"Something need doing?"
Hey lagyserver,
  • You are still missing your power gaming definition.
  • Your character's skin you have posted shows your character to have red-eye. This does not fit with the elvish lore.
  • The purpose of the written test is to both test your English capabilities- and to learn about your character. I want to know that you know the lore well enough to join our world. This story helps show me that. The story you have given me- is of a different world, and thus, I cannot see for certain that you know the lore of Altera.


i will fix these problems but i have changed the eye to hazel (its hard to see the difference from the skin png but it has been changed)


here is the background-
(292 words long but I thought that the 400 word thing wold no longer be applicable bc I have already shown I am capable of writing that much.)

Jumper was born from 2 elves. His birth sadly killed his mother. Jumper’s father, stricken with grief and rage, threw the baby child into the basement of his large house, forsaking it.
Jumper grew up on scraps of food a sympathetic maid left him. Because he had never left the windowless basement, he had never seen grass, trees, flowers, or even sunlight, the closest he got to these things where the rats in the walls, the moss and mould on the ceiling, and the candle the maid would bring with her to feed him. Life went on like this for Jumper until 12 years later, disaster struck. The father, after getting very drunk, found himself in the basement. When he saw Jumper, he remembered his grief and, in a fit of rage, threw Jumper out.
That night, Jumper huddled in an alleyway, plotting to kill his father.

That morning, Jumper woke up to see sunlight for the first time. He had never thought there could be so much light, and people! Crowds bustled along across the village, the sound of shuffling feet and voices rang across the square, mesmerizing Jumper. He ran about getting very lost until he found himself on the outskirts of the city where he beheld a magical sight that would change his life forever.
he saw the ancient oaks of a forest so old; its name has been lost to time. As a wood elf, he felt himself being pulled in, deeper and deeper not unlike the now dispersed crowd that led him here, until once again he found himself lost again, though unlike last time, he would not emerge once again for about 88 years after learning the way of nature.
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powergaming is basically playing to win or, as I like to put it-

"Going for the finish line without respecting the race"-Lagyserver


"Something need doing?"
Hey lagyserver ,
  • From your character test - I am assuming 'jumper' is your character you have wrote the rest of the app on? Your character profile above indicates the character's name is "Cardigen "Cardy" Noname". Please explain?
  • You've indicated that jumper (an elf) was born to two humans? This is not possible within the current lore of Altera. Please make the apropriate changes.
  • Powergaming definition is good, thanks for adding that. An example of what powergaming is would be welcome, too but not required.
  • You're written test should be 400 words at the minimum. While your writing is nice for the story you originally posted, I still do need to see your written test being (at least) 400 words and about your character.


fixed prob 2. ad for prob 4, If it is not too much to ask, could you ask someone with the power to do it if I can keep it as it is as adding more will only make it worse and i do not want to play a guy with a terrible backstory.

PS. recently I have been diagnosed with Autism and ADHD. I hope this does not affect anything but I just thought u would like to know :)
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