Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Karasu's character drawings (IT RETURNS)


Lord of Altera
Well this is where i will try and draw your characters for your enjoyment. Im no good with Photoshop nor am I any good with pictures in general, I will try my best and I will get back to you as soon as I can. (warning I SUCK at drawing women (for various....guys know what im talking about! So it may take a bit longer)

Im taking up requests now!

please post a picture (mostly front and back) of your minecraft avatar with a small description of his/her face and or other embodiments.

EDIT: most will NOT be in color..i can draw...coloring is a whole different planet for me XD



TheCastellan (Zanros Hawklight)
Danie_D (enter RP Name here :I)
Bettemus99 (Luna)


Roleplay keeper
*cross arms and coughs* Ehem! Don't even THINK about drawing like me.
Eyes are like glowing ambers. Hair light waving, lightbrown.
Normaly i have an green hood on, but not always. Very agile and slim body. looks older than she is.
Skin is pale peach colord. And i don't wear dress' normaly neither. Only pants!
And don't forget my epic boots :p


Lord of Altera
I want to see what you can do :D

Face: Determined looking (or cheerful, take your pick) eyes. A smiling mouth (if it looks better without, then you dont have to add this). High cheek bones. Slightly square jaw.
Body: Not super thin, just "sturdy" looking (she is made of rock after all)
Skin: Looks like human skin (but maybe add a few lines like marble has?)
Clothes: Usually wears somewhat simple dresses that come up to the knee with a few diamond accents on things like the belt and sleeves. The bodice is nearly corset-like. She almost always wears flats. Wears bracelets with obsidian stones in the center (not necessary, but I'm just describing them).
Hair: Dark red-brown hair. Long bangs (don't know what to call them) on each side of her head. The rest is pulled into a long ponytail that is cinched in the middle.
Extra details: Maybe have some magic/energy around her hands?

Hope I gave you enough to work with ;)



Lord of Altera
Oh er do me doing some sort of magic thing, like conducting flames in my hand and floating slightly off the ground =D


Lord of Altera
i cant :( with my finals fast approaching i dont have time that and I have no way of getting the oictures into the computer to even post em' :s