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[July 22nd] Riseport Sails


Events Staff
Very Sweet

The Fuvur ships have been docked at Grafjell since after Riseport was taken by the dead. Word from Ashna confirms they'll now follow the ships she takes east, behind that of Anhald weeks before.
While they have two ships, 'The Cradle' galley takes priority. It holds enough rations, supplies, and the space for a good amount of people for a long while. However this means it needs more men.

(Currently we're NPC manning our baby sloop as to condense RP onto the galley instead. Permission from Lannis to do so, easier on DMing and WEing.)

Current Roster:
'The Cradle'
Nwalme Fuvur [Captain] - blargtheawesome
Nylarii Fuvur [First Mate] - Elz
Light Fuvur [Quartermaster] - K9
Aryus Fuvur Mitch
Kyron and Trystan Fuvur [Babies]
Tzemik Fuvur ForestRose
Jaxon Veileth(?) Michcat
Lillium Shink'maho [Doctor] - Cukie1
Violet Shink'maho - Cukie1
Ver'asar Shink'maho Lavilethorn
Greyling [Rat Catcher] Jak
Kellian BrianAT16
Arabella de Courtnay Tomato150
Arcana Wise(or not wise, i forget name) Arcana
Mirabelle Wise Smurf
Asher Wise SpartanDory
Peter Wise Sir Saltington
Remi Wise Ddaug
Mikael Arken
Robert Mitch
Paige de Courntay Princess Wizard Laura
Arien FeignedMusician
Kopii Grey, Roderick Grey, Kaelin Cerridwen Omikuji
Nireth Cerridwen, Akasha @Lady Alec
Azure Cerridwen, Cyra Cerridwen @Immerael
Nylas @JasonK94

Current Supplies:
stuff blarg can tell me

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Essentially a Chihuahua
Aware Single
Arcana Smurf Someone pls post salt, I can't recall his forum name. Ddaug

Lilly would have sent an invite to the Wise family upon hearing about the expedition.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
I've got to ask. Was there an event or something I missed where folks were told ICly that sailing east there is something there? Because I get OOCly this apparently the method we're all using to get to the new map now but how are we all justifying ICly abandoning our defenses, the greatest part of our supplies and the (Even if broken) half functioning wards we still have to sail in a direction that the last group who sailed towards all died? The first group to leave hasn't even made it there yet as far as I know much less sent messengers back.

I get IC things are desperate but this seems like mass suicide or dangerously wishful thinking as if you guys find nothing the undead will have overrun your defenses when you return without even a fight.

Sorry this isn't an attack on you guys per say but more of a question about the logic overall as this is the third group to do this that I know of. I gotta know at this point.

Sir Saltington

Lord of Altera
Well my character went on the 3rd Eyes of Silas trip, and he knows there is a mass of undead to the west, and would advise anyone on Grafjell to go east instead. That sound fair enough to you Immerael ?


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Well my character went on the 3rd Eyes of Silas trip, and he knows there is a mass of undead to the west, and would advise anyone on Grafjell to go east instead. That sound fair enough to you Immerael ?
I was on both. At least west we know there are two islands and we survived there. We sailed east and everyone except a select few died.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
I could give my characters reasoning in a forum convo- don't want to detail Elz's thread-


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Nah, I don't mind. I get the concerns, but with Fuvurs they already lost Riseport and it's not... Stopping. So they can live on ships (which they've been doing since Riseport was lost) forever, hoping the undead leave one day, or take their chances and follow Grafjell's own fleet. Nylarii's also ICly asked about the West, and that seems (to her) as bad as the East. But the north is inhospitable and the south is undead. It's just a matter of choosing West or East at this point.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
I've got to ask. Was there an event or something I missed where folks were told ICly that sailing east there is something there? Because I get OOCly this apparently the method we're all using to get to the new map now but how are we all justifying ICly abandoning our defenses, the greatest part of our supplies and the (Even if broken) half functioning wards we still have to sail in a direction that the last group who sailed towards all died? The first group to leave hasn't even made it there yet as far as I know much less sent messengers back.

I get IC things are desperate but this seems like mass suicide or dangerously wishful thinking as if you guys find nothing the undead will have overrun your defenses when you return without even a fight.

Sorry this isn't an attack on you guys per say but more of a question about the logic overall as this is the third group to do this that I know of. I gotta know at this point.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I've got to ask. Was there an event or something I missed where folks were told ICly that sailing east there is something there? Because I get OOCly this apparently the method we're all using to get to the new map now but how are we all justifying ICly abandoning our defenses, the greatest part of our supplies and the (Even if broken) half functioning wards we still have to sail in a direction that the last group who sailed towards all died? The first group to leave hasn't even made it there yet as far as I know much less sent messengers back.

I get IC things are desperate but this seems like mass suicide or dangerously wishful thinking as if you guys find nothing the undead will have overrun your defenses when you return without even a fight.

Sorry this isn't an attack on you guys per say but more of a question about the logic overall as this is the third group to do this that I know of. I gotta know at this point.
by nwalme's logic, there are one of two options.

option 1, stay here and try to defend against undead, of which there is seemingly no end, and which there is a precedent of being able to overwhelm defences with contemptuous ease


option 2, try and see if these crazy loonies are right about there being something to the east, and worst come to worst, turn around when the storms get too intense. the galley has enough supplies to sustain the people on it for over a year at least, not to mention fishing nets for fresh food, and cannibalism when some people are being too bothersome


Events Staff
Very Sweet
I think Evelyn's leaving us for her new buddies so I wasn't sure if Jaxon was gonna go with her. : (
(damn it lannis....)