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Deceased Josephine Varyn


Guardian Of The Vibes
Server Outreach

May God Increase

Lady of House Varyn
Lady of House Hallon
Empress of Anhald
Queen of Arcturus and Lavoyard

"It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both."

Updates in blue.

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Social Status: Nobility
Sexuality: Generally disinterested.
Marital Status: Engaged.

Affiliation(s): Varyn, Anhald
Current Home: Oren
Religion: Ignis Synnove, or so she says.
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Status: Mostly keeping to herself and a few select associates within Queensport. Researching.

The vulgar crowd always is taken by appearances, and the world consists chiefly of the vulgar.”

Intelligence: Well-studied, with a desire for knowledge.

Temperament: Josephine holds true to Northern heritage and is usually cold and aloof.
Sociability: Introverted. She needs time to recharge after being around people.
Sense of humour: Dry, deadpan, and sometimes dark.

Habits and Mannerisms:
+ Jaw clenching when angry or upset
+ Lip quirking when lying or amused
+ Face-touching when nervous
+ Idle fiddling when uncomfortable
+ Watching fire

+ Assertive: Josephine is unfamiliar with not getting what she wants. What is not given will be taken, as she has learned from her upbringing.
+ Observant: She finds entertainment in watching people, their mannerisms, and seeing what makes them tick. She keeps a watchful eye.
+ Loyal: Josephine is strongly, even devoutly loyal to her family and to the Reich. She will do whatever she thinks is necessary for their plights with little apprehension.
+ Honourable: She gives strong regard to law and order, especially to use it to her advantage. If she is to give her word she will not break it.

+ Arrogant: Born to nobility, Josephine has always seen herself as inherently above the common man in intelligence, looks, and ability. She has always been taught that she is superior.
+ Suspicious: She does not find herself trusting many people, causing her to be distant and paranoid. The leaving of her father and eldest brother have lead to expectations of betrayal and abandonment. To indulge sentimentality is to become hurt, and therefore weakness. Josephine is no stranger to loneliness due to this.
+ Jealous: Josephine has often feared being replaced, notably by her brother Syr. She has often been jealous of his lovers and comrades.
+ Envious: She covets the power and respect others have. Josephine is one of few in her family to not be a wielder of magic, to her ever-lasting chagrin.

+ Level-headedness: Josephine dislikes her own brashness, and as a result projects her insecurity in the form of believing those who are temperamental are foolish.
+ Power: Political, social, magical, it's all appealing to someone so ambitious.
+ Intelligence: She can't stand a dull conversation. People are expected to be entertaining.
+ Dark, dry humour: A personal preference.

Colour: Blues of the darker variety. Brassy-gold.
Food: Flavourful meats cooked on the more rare side. She likes toasted nuts.
Drink: Dry wines. Likes vintages, and pairing it with meals.
Literature: Botany, linguistics, history. New things.
Entertainment: Watching people.
Animal: Horses, as she finds them useful and reliable.

Alignment: Lawful Evil, with growing Neutral Evil tendencies.
Religion: Josephine is publicly inclined towards Ignis, and has been baptized by the Holy Church d'Artois. Her belief in Ignis' existence has been confirmed by witnessing her own blessing during the coronation, but whether Ignis is truly powerful and worthy of worship remains to be seen.


+ Wendigos: She has almost died to them twice, and often hears them in her nights at Oren.
+ Abandonment: Josephine has been abandoned by all of her family save for Syr.
+ Being replaced: She feels the need to be important to her family and friends.
+ Magic: Her father intentionally killed himself with the magic he wielded.
+ Death by hanging: Watching her cousin Maceo die by hanging at a young age has resonated with her.
+ Not achieving anything: Descended from legend, she has much to live up to.

+ Infertility: She must provide an heir.

{ - Not started } { + In Progress } { o Completed } { x Failed } { ~ Abandoned } { ! Passive hopes }
NIAH made this handy little goals guide cheers

Short-term goals:
o See Ignis confirm Arthur's right
o Be officially coronated
+ Gain loyalty

+ Win the war
- Experiment with potions

Long-term goals:
+ Learn Elven
+ Learn more about Formistry
+ Vengeance for Brennard
+ Acquire magic

- Have a garden of gold and silver


Height: 5’9”
Weight: 145
Figure: Taller and better build than average for her gender and age. The residual roundness of girlhood has left her face and figure.
Hair: Thick, dark, and with a light curl, much like her parents.
Eyes: Limpid, blue.
Skin: A Northern complexion that is quite pale. A bit on the dry side.

Voice: Mary Tudor { x }
Appearance: Done-up. Her dresses are personally tailored and high quality; modest to the point of almost prudish, and mute of colour. She maintains good posture.
Hygiene: Josephine washes daily, and has a collection of scented oils and soaps. Her teeth, hair, and nails are well cared for. Favours sandalwood and vanilla scents for wearing.

+ A four-clawed wendigo slash down the lower half of her chest/ribs.
+ A brand in the shape of a sun on her inner right wrist. A sign of faith to God, given by Maceo during Josephine and Audwine's coronation.

Illness: None.
Injuries: None.
Allergies: Pollen, dust.
Sleeping habits: Josephine experiences some amount of trouble falling and staying sleeping.
Energy: Average.
Eating habits: A picky eater. She prefers fruits and meats.
Exercise habits: Enjoys training and sparring.
Memory: Average.
Unhealthy habits: Staying up late reading and studying.
Drinking habits: Drinks wine frequently, for enjoyment rather than inebriation.

Alchemy: Slightly above average. Josephine used to enjoy poking around Athryl's laboratory and observing him work, as well as reading what she understood of his books.
Botany: Becoming familiar. Josephine has recently discovered that she enjoys studying plants, their properties, effects, and uses as a pastime. It's an enjoyable, quiet hobby. Josephine was inclined to learn such from her time with Atrhyl (see above). It is a private interest she does not share. She is learning some amount from Arianne.

Observing people: Josephine has a long-standing hobby of people watching, for pleasure and to learn. She is experienced with learning others' mannerisms, and understanding their behaviours and expressions as a result.
Horseback riding: She is fairly familiar with horses, as a hobby as well as for function.
Medical care: She is the reason Gael has a very scarred face.
Magic: While not herself a wielder of arcane power, Josephine greatly enjoys learning of it and has more exposure to it than the average person. She now has a private tutor, of sorts.

+ Common: fluent, literate
+ Rede: fluent, literate
+ Lavoyard: conversational, literate
+ Elven: she has a tutor, but has learned little yet.

Peaceful or Violent: Violent. She enjoys both causing it and watching it.
Ability: She is somewhat learned with a sword, and possesses a dagger she has used on a few occasions.
Strengths: Josephine is athletic and has been trained in combat in her adolescence. She is tall for a girl of her age.
Weaknesses: Rustiness, as she is unable to keep up with her previous active lifestyle. Restrictive clothing.

+ Archery: Somewhat familiar.
+ Crossbow: Familiar as well. Fairly simple function.
+ Swordsmanship: She has been trained by her brother Syr in the basics.
+ Dagger: Not necessarily trained, but she is familiar with the best spots to stab a man through her aforementioned training, as well as personal experience.

Exercise: Not as active as she used to be, but still decently athletic. Good lung capacity.

+ 11" Rondell dagger, made for stabbing, always on her.

+ A longsword, seen rarely.



+ The Sapphire Crown. Created by Vorar without a single flaw, it is an elegant coronet wrought in gold and platinum, inlaid with diamonds and two large sapphires. { x } { x } Baron

+ A small, golden sun pendant. { x } BoredBrit

+ A golden necklace, set with onyx jewels. Josephine likes to see it as a symbol of union with Courtnay, at least, Branch du Cheval. [ x ] Smurf
+ A dagger made for stabbing, on her leg. (Rondell, 11")
+ A small coinpurse.
+ Sometimes a small bag.

+ A book of pressed flowers, including:
- A peony flower that looks to be made of gold
- A leaf that appears to be made of silver
+ Clothes for horse riding. Worn only when used, as a hobby.

Funds: Scrooge McDuck.
Income: She is the Anhald tax goblin now.
Homes: Oren.
Pets: Josephine keeps animals for function: riding, and on the plate.

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Guardian Of The Vibes
Server Outreach


Syr Varyn II (Brother): Josephine adores her brother. She's glad to see a light again in his eyes. Arken
James Varyn (Cousin): She is glad her cousin is present in her life once more, despite his often annoying tendencies. TheDeester

Jaime Westmay: A decent amount of respect is felt from Josephine, as a family friend and now as someone who protects her. Rygan
Rex of Lonmar: Her uncle has earned her respect quickly. She is grateful for his efforts in aiding Anhald. FrostGuardian


Audwine I: She is beginning to understand his motivations and weaknesses more, and she grows more comfortable in working around him for her own gain.Cap
Arianne: Josephine's "personal physician". Rossu
Jaden Seeker (& The Rangers) CloakedReaper
Sir Gael Dugald: He has helped Varyn many times, and she knows him decently well. She associates Gael with her envy and resentment for Eviscism. Scardrac
Maceo de Courtnay (Cousin): Josephine is appreciative of her cousin's efforts. BoredBrit

Sir Charles Kane: She enjoys his dark humour, and finds they are similar of mind. Her respect of both of Charles' parents causes her to inherently think slightly better of him than most. Lannis

Fleur de Courtnay III (Cousin): Josephine has found herself enjoying Fleur's discomfort with Charles, and is keen to know the cause of it. An entertaining girl. Smurf
Viktoria: A bit meek. Josephine sees a glimmer of potential. Hannah

Ylva Varyn (Sister): Josephine holds a familial respect, but is disappointed in Ylva bearing children out of wedlock. Cukie1
Sir Reynard: Once a friend. TheDeester
Joseph: Not offensive, but hardly exciting. Bland. JoeJoe
Amelie Khan: A rather simple girl, but, Josephine finds her abilities sufficient. She is not bad company, though not a riveting conversationalist by any means. Spooksy_
Fronslin: He is old and speaks too much. But he has the occasional useful bits of information. Fronslin
Albrecht Rauen: The first realization to Josephine of her new status. Their encounter left her a touch flustered. seannie
Amelie: Acceptably capable. Spooksy_

Lucia Varyn (Mother): Their relationship has never been the same since Godric died. Josephine doesn't see her mother much. Landem
Gelyk Varyn II (Brother): Josephine wonders if he is still alive. Rygan
Eltsir Alcantra: Another person seemingly lost to time. Elt
Otto: A lost child Josephine is loath to have any responsibility for. She is carting him off to someone else to avoid this. Paint

Cymic Seymour: She does not consider herself a fan, but will play nice until she is above him. All in due time. Cymic_
Marie du Lavoyarde (Distant cousin): Josephine would like to see her hanged, and otherwise does not think of her often. A false claim to a dead name. Cukie1

Prince Drake Jak
Tirius Westergard Tohm

Godric Varyn (Father): Missed forever. TheDeester
Coaldust: Josephine owes the dead Caparii her life. She is unaware of his death. Michcat
Alison Kane: Josephine admired the woman's power and position. Elz

Brennard Westmay: She mourns his death in a quiet sort of way. A father-figure, once Godric was gone. Mitch
Francis de Courtnay II (Cousin): Josephine thinks it was an awful waste of power and potential. She is disappointed in her late cousin. BoredBrit
Larike: She is satisfied that he is dead. TheDrakeProject


Smurf: [ x ]
Spooksy: [ x ]

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Guardian Of The Vibes
Server Outreach


+ Raised by two loving though often strict parents, Josephine's early to mid childhood was conventional and uneventful. Living with her family mostly in Varynhall, she did not have many opportunities to make friends her age or see new places. Her time was often spent reading, studying, or getting into scuffles with her siblings.

+ Gelyk II ran away in Josephine’s early adolescence, and not long later both him and their father died. This caused great stress for Syr, being now responsible, whom Josephine observed many a time have fits of anger and violence-on top of Gelyk's previous yet similar instances.

+ Josephine and her mother grew distant with the death of Godric and Gelyk. She drew closer to her cousin James, and, spending more and more time in Oren with Syr, eventually fully decided to reside there within the Keep. Remaining troubled and aimless, Josephine aided Oliver in the murders of Albion and Alustrum Godfrey. The dishonour of her actions resonated deeply, the wrongness of it, causing her to become more lawful in the future.

+ In time, her eldest brother Gelyk returned from his post-death absence, causing Josephine to lash out in anger at his leaving, not returning, and their father's death. Repairs were made, but as she expected, Gelyk became absent once more. She has not heard from him since.

+ Watching her brother Syr, alongside Jaime, Gael, Florian, and even her young cousin Francis learn magic caused deep envy to take root within Josephine, as one of few members of her family to have no magical ability. For a time, she lived in Queensport where her companions learned. Josephine coveted the magical powers everyone seemed to have, and the political power of Alison Kane. She aspires to achieve what the Duchess and Duke have. The war's fizzling out meant Josephine and Syr's return to Oren

Late Adolescence:
+ Josephine became restless, but refused to leave out of loyalty to her brother and family. The murder of Brennard Westmay, mentor to Syr and father figure to both, is a dark stain in her life, casting her brother into a depressed state of drinking and isolation. Her hope dwindles, until Arthur Hallon comes to Varyn with a marriage proposal and the return of Anhald.

+ A mage by the name of Arianne has a chance encounter with Josephine. They make an arrangement, and Josephine now begins to learn more about magic by the elven woman, observing her work.

+ In retaliation for Brennard's death, war is declared upon Hawklight, and their captured Prince Drake is purchased from House Fuvur and kept within Oren. Josephine's only regret is that it was only his hand that was removed.
Josephine and Arthur-now Audwine-are baptized and crowned with Ignis' divine blessing.
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Guardian Of The Vibes
Server Outreach
hmm i've made some changes to relations and added personality to be more in line with what i want.

tl;dr she a brat : )